Hi, I am new in all these and I was trying to transfer my Litecoins from Coinbase account to my new Ledger nano s device.
But instead of transferring the Litecoins to a Litecoin wallet, I accidentally sent the Litecoins to my Bitcoin segwit wallet. The transfer was confirmed on Coinbase, but I don't see the litecoins on my bitcoin wallet.
The transaction is:
Please tell me how to find them. I emailed everyone I could, but no answer yet.
There is absolutely nothing that you can do on your side. It is either going to bounce back or it won't. If it does pop back, there is nothing on your side that is going to alter the time of that happening. I do not think that even mining that mem on purpose will make a difference. I would count on the coins to be gone forever, but I would not stop watching that address because it could happen.