I downloaded the standard 'Bitcoin Core' wallet onto my laptop however due to the size of the file containing all the block i stored all the data on my PORTABLE hard drive. Once it completed downloading I noticed all the files spread across the hard drive directory. I like keeping things clean so i cut the files and pasted it in a folder named bitcoin in my hard drive.
You can't just move the files without telling Bitcoin Core where they are. Use this as a startup option:
Specify data directory directory
I have no idea how to make it read the original wallet.dat file, I have tried researching either everyone prompting it to rescan in the cmd, however, these methods are based on windows 7 and now windows 10 doesn't have a cmd option for the software at that location
Use this option:
Specify wallet file (within data directory) (default: wallet.dat)
I don't use Windows 10, but I assume you can still add startup options to any shortcut on your desktop.