OP, you are not alone in this mess. Since last week, blockchain has been stupidly slow in confirming transactions. Some transactions have even lingered for 4-5 days. You should try accelerating it through viabtc.com
The solution soaked in the solution helps to eliminate 99% of the noise of the excavator and 30% of the temperature. It also allows the transfer of heat to the outside thanks to the regular aquarium pump.
"The difficulty of digging the coin is that the temperature and noise generated are too great, so the diggers can not be located at home or in a residential area." A digging machine can generate levels of up to 70-80 degrees C. The possibility of fire, electric shock is what most people digging coin is worried "
Are you fucking stupid or plainly on cheap drugs? You opened two accounts and are running this forum with your spam posts like it is an achievement of some sort? Dude, you should caution yourself or get banned.