Wouldn't it be better to mine Bitcoin with GPU and ASICs together rather than replacing one with the other.
It is pretty easy to get GPU anywhere in the World I don't know about ASICs?
For the sake of decentralization why not mining hardware be diversified so people can have choices instead of being stuck with noisy and expensive ASICs.
It's a nice thought but unfortunately unlikely to work.
Given the right algorithm ASICs by their very nature will always outperform GPUs.
Any change in Bitcoin's PoW scheme would render current ASICs obsolete. And even then a new generation of ASICs would be made sooner or later, rendering GPUs unprofitable again.
Making both ASIC and GPU mining profitable on the same blockchain would require two different PoW hashing algorithms to be used in parallel, with the GPU-friendly PoW hashing algorithm being changed on a regular basis, lest ASICs would be made for the GPU-friendly PoW scheme as well. Both which would introduce complexity that is likely to come with security flaws, assuming it's even possible to build a consistent blockchain using an ever-changing PoW scheme.
Keep in mind that people do have a choice when it comes to mining with either GPUs or ASICs. It's just that GPUs have to mine on a different blockchain.