The technology behind this device seem very expensive. If you're offering a free device for those who invest 1000$ at least, how much will be the price of the hardware wallet? people wouldn't buy such a thing If it's high priced.
Hey. Approximate value of the purse is 100 - 120 dollars. Specific price you can find out later, when the development stage will be finally completed.
Well, this is a fairly low price, so the product will be affordable enough for the masses. Will there be news soon?
Agree with you 100-120 dollars for the such great device is not so big price. Waiting for ann about crowdsale and more news about project. If you wish to know more about project join telegram channel
Oh thanks. Yes, I'm watching the telegram, it's convenient. By the way, and besides the purse functions, the bracelet can do something else? For example, I have long been writing here about the function of the fitness bracelet.