No, your wallet is not jacked. You just need to add some "addnode=blahblahblah" to your crowdcoin.conf file in your AppData folder.
Check the previous pages in this post for how to do that.
Okay, thank you. That did get my wallet syncing again. Not sure why it crapped out to begin with, but oh well.
I now can't get my masternode to start back up for the life of me though. It began last night with NEW_START_REQUIRED, so I did that. Next thing I know it's WATCHDOG_EXPIRED. It had been running perfectly fine for 6 days now, prior to this.
I saw back a page what you did to fix yours, and I've tried that as well. Even restarted my VPS. My wallet continues to tell me that my WATCHDOG_EXPIRED, and now my VPS shows "Node just started, not yet activated".
Any thoughts on how to remedy this? Thank you.
EDIT: I believe I've fixed the VPS portion. It appears there was something corrupt with my mn*.dat files and or the blockchain needed reindexed. I followed the directions on under the 2.b heading here to fix this:!
2nd EDIT: Okay, so I guess it's just the current blockchain issues that are preventing my node from showing as ENABLED in the list. From the VPS, masternode is successfully started. mnsync shows everything up to date and active. My local wallet still shows WATCHDOG_EXPIRED, even though sentinel is running and passing all tests. I guess I'll just wait it out, unless someone can help me with a fix in the short term.