Hello! Tell me, will Bounty last after January 25? There are no more forms to send assignments. Will they be added?
Здpaвcтвyйтe! Cкaжитe, Бayнти бyдeт пpoдoлжaтьcя пocлe 25 янвapя? Фopмы для oтпpaвки зaдaний бoльшe нeт. Иx eщe дoбaвят?
what is the end of the bounty campaign, and can i still join in?
the Manager's response in the telegram
Mei (M) Amazix, [25.01.18 18:27]
Program will over when token sale over.
The form will be add more after thisIf the pre-sale is any indication.
The token sale will probably be over shortly after it begins... maybe a week?
I'm still shocked at how fast the pre-sale sold. Been following this project for months now and it's finally getting exciting