This problem goes away when the diff gets high, because of a timing-balance.
This is what is happening...
Diff is super-low, I find a block. Before I actually submit it, I am already building the next block onto it.
Now I submit it, but as I submit it, I have already found the next block on that one.
The network accepts the first block, and begins to build, (rejected yours)... Too late, I already have the next solution, now being submitted. Which, by the way, I have also found the next solution for.
I submit that second block, you try to build (rejected yours). My third block solution just submitted, already got approved, and he beat me to the next block... Arg... Now it is his turn for "luck", while EVERYONE gets rejects, until he "strikes-out", or the diff jumps-up again. Me 3 everyone-else 0-3 rejects. (Aka, poor network distribution)
Diff rises....
I find a block, and submit it. Diff is too high for me to find a solution before someone beats me to it.
I find a block, and submit it. Someone finds the next one.
I find one, then get a luck-streak and hit another immediately. (One reject on the network) Me 3 every-one else 0-1 reject. (Aka, normal network distribution. Still get more rejects because the submit/check/distribute/re-build process itself takes longer than 20 seconds. But, system averages about 30sec due to poor diff adjustments.)
This is where it would actually help the coin if you forced the "can't build on your own block" rule. You would have to wait for your block to have been distributed and built upon, before building the next one. That forces a round-robin effect, and reduces rejects almost entirely. Not to mention it has a slight anti-51% attack gain. Forces the swarm of miners all on one wallet/address to wait one block from another wallet/address, before they can continue an attack.
But the biggest initial gain would come from simply doubling the block-time, and also the reward, to keep the same daily reward. In addition to adjusting block-times on a block-per-block situation. That also stops hoppers, making them leave faster, doing less damage. So they don't ramp-up diff, then jump-off, leaving us to mine the slow blocks with little reward as they cash-out all the abundant coins they just over-mined, which drove-up diff in the first place.
Still, I am glad to see this coin on the charts, and trading. Though, it is cheaper to just buy them for gains, instead of mining them. At the moment.
I am doing both.
BTW, at the previous moment, I am near 75-85% rejects... going back to 50-60% now, someone (pool) just jumped onto the coin.