3) Paypal freezes your account.
This is the only one true reason why do not trade BTC with PP.
It is against their rule to exchange e-currency with PP. So if:
1) The buyer files credit card chargeback. - this not will work if you can prove that you send the goods that you sell.
- chargeback is not so easy to prove. If seller can prove that he send you the goods then you cannot make a charge back and you will lose a fees to your bank for a false try of chargeback.
2) The buyer files dispute. - same reason as point 1.
Yes buyer can fire a dispute BUT... what he will say?
1) His account is hacked? - he have a responsibility on his account to keep save the login details.
- he need to prove that his account it hacked before a few hours when this transaction is made and now when he fire a dispute it is a recovered from the hacker?!?!?!
- if his account is hacked then why not all money is dissapear from it? Why only this transaction is made?
2) He can claim that not receive the goods - hmmm... what goods exactly? he not have a right to buy a e-currency.
- if you can prove contrary you will win the dispute.
- Of course if you prove that you send a e-currency for paypal then your account will be freeze. You break their Terms. So you cannot give them a prove and you will lose the dispute.
I akt as a seller and buyer in ebay and use only paypal. I lost few disputes whey I buy and no one... yet whey I sell.
So please stop with this speculations how save is PP for buyer and how awful is for sellers.
If seller can prove that he send the goods to you then he win the dispute. If you cannot prove ( when/if need ) don't sell.