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Author Topic: Trading tips  (Read 3511 times)
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November 09, 2017, 11:56:04 PM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me

Dont trade 100% of your portfolio, only 10% or so if you must. Dont make decisions when you are emotional and dont look at your screen a lot
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November 10, 2017, 01:56:39 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me

easy trading tips is when you see the ups and downs of prices. quite easily, you only buy when the price is low and sell when the price is high. it's easy and profitable trading. only that. but if you want to have more benefits or tips tips to always profit, you can see some of the following discussion.

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November 10, 2017, 04:54:21 AM

You need to have patience, calmness and need to be clever to get good profit from trading. Trading crypto is quite different than forex because crypto market is more volatile than usual currency pairs so you have to be fast to make an early exit before dump and should buy early at lower prices so that you can sell them at peak prices.

Also only trade with amount which you can afford to loss.
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November 10, 2017, 05:08:07 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me
It's really easy to find the opportunities on the previous date. While using that strategy that you put here live trading is really difficult the indicators that you are using will not confirm any signals at that same time and when they confirm the real opportunity will be gone. Just have a look on this this is really complex one.
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November 10, 2017, 05:57:42 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me
It's really easy to find the opportunities on the previous date. While using that strategy that you put here live trading is really difficult the indicators that you are using will not confirm any signals at that same time and when they confirm the real opportunity will be gone. Just have a look on this this is really complex one.
i am a professional trader and i have some year experienced also so i want to give you some beneficial steps. whenever you are doing trading then you should not fear from loss and if you can face the loss then you should not loss your ability but you should increase your confidence high by learning from your mistakes and the second tips is always be honest wherever you are doing trading.
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November 10, 2017, 06:05:35 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me
It's really easy to find the opportunities on the previous date. While using that strategy that you put here live trading is really difficult the indicators that you are using will not confirm any signals at that same time and when they confirm the real opportunity will be gone. Just have a look on this this is really complex one.
i am a professional trader and i have some year experienced also so i want to give you some beneficial steps. whenever you are doing trading then you should not fear from loss and if you can face the loss then you should not loss your ability but you should increase your confidence high by learning from your mistakes and the second tips is always be honest wherever you are doing trading.

Every crypto traders suffer from loss since not all the time they gain but the good thing for experience crypto traders are they will not get easily panic for such dump happens but indeed they treat it as opportunity to buy more tokens to stakes and those coins they bought for high price will just be holded and they will roll them out until they earn for some coins around. Trading needs confidence and this game is not for weak handed guys since they will surely lose if they squeeze there head on there trades and get panic.
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November 10, 2017, 06:25:39 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me

The main tips is you must understand how the market works, the step is simple. Learn about crypto trading from books, friends or group. After that find your best strategy with little money you have on the real market. Repeat again until you find the best one. Another tips, try to disciplines with your strategy. If you can do that, you're ready to become the winner.

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November 10, 2017, 06:30:47 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me

You need good trading skills to be a successful trader so try to learn about the crypto world thoroughly before starting tranding and i think it is better to start your trade with the bitcoin because it is king of the cryptos so first start trade with bitcoin and spend more time to watch what is happening on the bitcoin market then you will get the knowledge of how to trade and when to trade.I think big investment will gives us good profit because bitcoin price keeps increase so if you have huge amount then it will give good profits when the days passes.
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November 10, 2017, 06:31:16 AM

The best thing you need to do if u want knowledge in trading is to do research first and know all the coins running in any  exchange. Better do research first before start trading.

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November 10, 2017, 07:11:47 AM

I wanna suggest you 2 tips. Those are knowledge and emotion. If you have knowledge enough and you can control your emotion. You will succeed.

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November 10, 2017, 07:54:48 AM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me

Are you new only to cryptocoins or to trading in general?

Since cryptocoin trading follows some basics of other trading fields (for example forex), but it has differences as well.
To start, anyway, I suggest you 4 things:

- Research the coins you wanna invest in (team, project, roadmap).
- Choose your strategy (short-term speculation, long-term investing a.k.a hodling, etc.)
- Set a budget
- Choose a reliable exchange. I suggest you to use decentralized plaform like Waves or Etherdelta.

Good luck!

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November 10, 2017, 01:39:47 PM

looks all easy, but very hard to follow in real life) Shocked

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November 11, 2017, 03:51:53 PM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me
busing small capital with big profits as the market rises.
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November 11, 2017, 03:59:34 PM

I wanna suggest you 2 tips. Those are knowledge and emotion. If you have knowledge enough and you can control your emotion. You will succeed.

 best answer!  Roll Eyes

Tho... everyone is like ...make your own research, read... etc. well, duuuh!
I, myself, invested a lot of my time in reading, reading, reading, watching videos, following news, checking telegram groups.
the easiest thing you can start with: Subscribe for youtube channels (choose wisely, nowadays eeeeeeeveryone has a crypto channel).
My favourites:  The Chart guys and Andreas Antonopoulos.
There aren't many book on crypto trading but forex will do as well, candle sticks are all the same.

Keep in mind that the profit is made when you buy! Wink

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November 11, 2017, 07:16:09 PM

Don't stick to one coin.
Also don't be jack of all coins and master of none. The fewer the coins you're having to deal with and concentrate on, the more in-depth and well rounded you become with those coins and that's besides not overworking and wearing yourself out.

Know everything about the coin you are trading.
Same as above, the fewer the better!

Check for upcoming events of that coin.
Fundamentals are kings - they drive the market, miss it, miss out!
Always buy at lowest point of the coin.
Here's where technical  analysis comes in, don't let inexperienced traders, tell you otherwise. You need to know when a price can be said to be low and when it can be said to be high, because same price can be both at different instances. Here's something I did this evening, could give you some clues:
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November 11, 2017, 08:17:23 PM

distrust dubious resources on the Internet, communicate with knowledgeable people and experienced, it is best to trust the circle of close friends or acquaintances
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November 11, 2017, 10:16:43 PM

There are no tips for a newbie. The first you have to have knowledge. After that learning lessons via practicing.

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November 11, 2017, 10:27:20 PM

I am a newbie to crypto field.I want to now some crypto trading tips.can you help me

The main tips is you must understand how the market works, the step is simple. Learn about crypto trading from books, friends or group. After that find your best strategy with little money you have on the real market. Repeat again until you find the best one. Another tips, try to disciplines with your strategy. If you can do that, you're ready to become the winner.
The important thing to predict the market direction, So we can try to put our order to follow the market direction. the trend gives a lot of impact on the market direction just like bitcoin cash. Another important thing about op must try to get its own method to trade and that will give the more convenient to generate the more profit.

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November 12, 2017, 08:37:23 AM

I'll share 3 golden tips for you fellow,

If a coin pumps dont immediately buy, wait for the right moment, also checkout the previous chart to predict possible future chart flow.

2nd, if you are buying a coin. Dont just buy all using your allocated amount,  divide the money, and wait if the coin will pump more or will dump.  This will save your loss positions.

3rd Learn to read the chart,  and this is golden. So you can predict the possible coin movement in the future.
It may be a hard task for a new person to adopt himself to the world of business.
Many requirements may be fulfilled before adjusting in the should have sufficient knowledge about market before investing in coins.

Initialy one has to consult the other persons who are already involved in the field of bussiness.coin charts  may closely be monitored to know the previous history o the charts. Small  capital should be invested in bitcoins to avoid risk.
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November 12, 2017, 11:22:05 AM

Own ur research about to ur trading token for lesser losser and nervous... then learn about the charting trading this is a very difficult yru research in google read the basic only... for easy monitor ur funds just download blockfolio for monitoring only...
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