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Author Topic: [ANN][ICO]CREDITS - New Blockchain for financial industry [HARDCAP REACHED!]  (Read 37790 times)
cheus (OP)
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November 14, 2017, 10:36:12 AM
Last edit: April 23, 2018, 09:34:24 AM by cheus
Merited by lonesomestranger (1)

Official CREDITS ANN thread

.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inmediumtwitterann threadbounty threadyoutubereddit

Other Languages

.• Chinese Simplified : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Korean : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Japanese : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Spanish : (ANN, Whitepaper )
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• Hindi : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Polish : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Russian: (ANN,Whitepaper)
• Turkish: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• French: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Filipino: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Arabic: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Croatian : (ANN, Whitepaper)


Alpha version of the CREDITS platform is available to all users
Look. Learn. Test. Our team is already preparing a Beta version for you.


Presentation / ICO details

ICO caps
Soft cap $15 mln USD
Hard $20 mln USD
Min cap $1.5 mln USD
1 ETH = 5 000 CREDITS (CS)





PreICO dates: 10th Nov 2017 - 31th Dec 2017
ICO dates: 17th Feb 2018 - 28th Feb 2018

Round 1 - Feb 17, one day for collecting funds from strategic partners. Total amount approx. 10%

Round 2 - Feb 18-20, two days for collecting funds from all wallets registered and approved in whitelist.
Individual cap for round 2 will be determined after closing the whitelist. Round 3 will take place if hard cap isn’t collected in Round 2.

Round 3 - Feb 20, the start of public ICO with individual cap about 1eth.


Where is CREDITS (CS) currently listed

Market Capitalization



Creation and performance of financial products on the basis of blockchains and smart contracts with quick transactions


The creation of a decentralized sector of financial services on the basis of the participant(s), bypassing specialized financial institutions such as banks and intermediaries


Popular platforms like Ethereum are not ready for financial transactions due to a slow rate of 0.5-15 minutes and a price of about 0.02-0.5 dollars per transaction. This is unacceptable for the financial industry.

CREDITS - creates a new platform for the operation of financial products on a unique scheme of building a blockchain/ledger with smart contracts, which achieves:

• A speed of processing transactions up to 1 million transactions per second
• An average processing time of 3 seconds per transaction
• Very inexpensive processing cost

• Approximately 100 operations per second
• Average processing time of 0.5-15 min
• Cost up to 0.02-0.5 dollars per transaction

CREDITS aims to achieve a performance of 1 million transactions per second, an average processing time of 3 seconds and a mean peak value of 10 seconds.

The system is a distributed database with the principles of a blockchain/ledger - decentralized management and transfer of digital assets, invariability of records.

1. Distributed, decentralized storage and open source.
2. Support for public and private networks
3. Each entry is entered into the database of the blockchain/ledger without Merkle trees and sidechains by the processing of consensual transactions.
4. Coded in C/C++ with OOP principals - has the ability to build other compilers
5. Permissions set at the transaction level
6. The system is scalable (as the number of nodes increases, the number of transactions
processed per unit of time increases)
7. Transactions are added to the block for later consensus
8. Consensus model: federal with a mechanism for resolving most nodes with the permission to make a decision.
9. Virtual machine (VM) is used for executing smart contracts. Each contract executes in a separate isolated environment for increased security in VM, development is allowed in script languages (for example, JavaScript), extended work with the calendar and scheduler
10. PoW (Proof-of-work) + PoC (Proof-of-Capacity). Coins are issued in advance for a certain amount.

Bitcoin - payment system and money unit. The task is only to pass from one user to another. Slow blockchain
Similar: public blockchain/ledger, the internal cryptocurrency
Differences CREDITS: fast blockchain/ledger, the availability of smart contracts, orientation on the financial sector, supports different currencies

Ethereum - emphasis on the creation of smart contracts and recording them in the blockchain. All else is solved through the use of third-party services. Oriented for all industries. Slow blockchain
Similar: smart contracts, internal cryptocurrency
Differences CREDITS: another quick blockchain/ledger, supports different currencies, uses an internal system of calculations, focused on the financial sector

Ripple - only used as a settlement system and currency exchange. Closed for developers and companies
Similar: fast blockchain/ledger, a system settlement for different currencies, focused on the financial sector
Differences CREDITS: the availability of smart contracts, an open developers platform, any company can connect to the platform

What is CREDITS?

New open platform CREDITS for creation and management of financial services on the basis of the blockchain/ledger

The unique system of building a blockchain allows you to build financial services with high speed transaction processing up to 1 million per second and average speed transaction processing in 3 seconds. CREDITS truly opens up new opportunities to use the blockchain technology in the financial sector.




Blockchain with up to 1 000 000
transaction per second



Average processing time is 3 second
per transaction.



Very low cost of transaction.

CREDITS platform offers new and unique technical implementation of blockchain technology, smart contracts, data protocol and has its own internal cryptocurrency.

It is a platform with completely new technical network capabilities, speed, cost of transactions and total number of operations per second. It is an open platform which means that users and companies can create online services that implement the blockchain protocol.

We offer a new product for users. We designed new features by creating new algorithm to search for a consensus; a new scheme registry; an algorithm for processing and maintaining transaction - based solutions for finite state machines based on the model of Federal voting nodes.

The CREDITS platform offers a solution to low speeds and high transaction costs. It expands the potential which blockchain technology has for the financial industry and the Internet of Things.



Distributed, decentralized storage and open
source code. Support for public and private


Each record is entered into the blockchain of
the block-less database without Merkle trees
and sidechaines by processing consensual

Forming of blocks

Set permissions at the transaction level.
Transactions are added to the block for the
subsequent finding of a consensus on the
algorithm for finding the solution of the finite
state machine

Consensus model

Consensus model: federal with a mechanism
for resolving most nodes with permission to
make a decision.

Smart contracts

Each smart contract is performed in a
separate isolated virtual machine
environment, allowing development in script
languages ??(JavaScript),
extended work with
the calendar, scheduled


The system is scalable (as the number of
nodes increases, the number of transactions
processed per unit of time increases). The
lack of PoW protocol (Proof-of-work). Coins
are issued in advance in a certain amount

Technical features

.Blockchain and Smart Contracts
.• Transaction Speed• 1 000 000 transaction per second (up to)• 10 transaction per second• 500 transaction per second (up to)
.• Block Interval• 3 seconds (average)• 10 minutes• 15 seconds
.• Block Size• Dynamic• 1 Mb• Dynamic
.• Consensus Algorithm• modified FA(Federated Agreement + PoW + PoC)• Proof of Work• Proof of Work
.• Flexible configured blockchain• Yes• No• No
.• Coins• CREDITS• Bitcoin• Ether
.• Smart contacts• Yes• No• Yes
.• Blockchain type• public, private• public• public
.• Turing-complete code for developing smart contracts• JS equal language• Non-systematic• Solidity, Serpent,etc
.• Decision Making Process• Democratic Congress (One node=One vote)• Non-systematic• Non-systematic
.• Speed executing contracts• 100 000 transaction per second (up to)• Non-systematic• 100 transaction per second (up to)
.• User technical features
.• Crypto algorithm• Symmetric-key algoritm +• Asymmetric-key algoritm• Asymmetric-key algoritm
.• Asymmetric-key algoritm
.• Using third-party systems• Yes• No• No
.• Allow create own application• Yes• No (very hard)• Yes
.• API• Yes• No• Yes


.• Storage, Consensus
  mFA Consensus
• FA : Key Design
• mFA : Key Design
  Implementation,PoW + PoC
• mFA Optimization• optimisation
.• Data Store• Decentralization Ledger, NoSQL
  Store implementation
• MessagePack History• Blockchain backup
.• CVM (Credits virtual
• Design and Implementation• Integration witd ecosystem• Optimization• check errors
.• tdird-party system• Design and Implementation• integrate to full system• optimisation
.• Inference Engine• Formal Specification and
  Key Design Elements
• Reasoner Integration with
• Reasoner Optimization
.• User interface• Implementation• Web UX design
.• Wallet• Wallet Formal specification• UX design Application
• Android, iOS,
  Desktop Wallets
.• RPC and REST API• Formal specification• Blockchain Explorer• third-party explorer


.Financial and Banking Systems
Financial institutions will be able to significantly reduce their transaction
costs, exclude intermediaries while simulataneously securely protecting their
Internet of Things IoT
The CREDITS platform and smart contracts will allow for the connection of
various IoT devices into a single network and effectively manage them: smart cities, smart
homes, smart cars, smart businesses etc.
Credit robots will be able to issue loans with the most optimal terms,
regardless of countries and continents. Globally, with any person in any
country through the CREDITS platform.

Project Team


Chugunov Igor
CEO & Founder

Education: Banking. Experience:
12 years, including IT projects,
bank and credit internet services,
affiliate marketing company for banks
and PDL companies. Experience
withblockchain business: 2 years.
From 2016 working at the CREDITS

Evgeniy Butyaev

Education: Engineer (software
development). Software
development experience: more than
10 years. Experience with blockchain
more than 3 years, including
European organizations – various
solutions based on blockchain for
different customers including
StateStreet; solutions based on
blockchain in Russia. From 2016 -
working at the CREDITS platform

Valentin Antonov
Team Lead

Education: Programmer. Experience:
more than 10 years as a programmer
and architect building complex and
high-loaded systems for the financial
and banking sectors. In the
blockchain industry for about
2 years. Qualified in platform

Aleksandr Krasnov
Senior software developer

Big development experience,
including blockchain technology
experience in a secure team for US
company StateStreet. Engineered
development solutions for various
clients and worked on high loaded
systems for orgnisations based in
Europe and USA.

Matushkina Elena
PR manager

Experience in PR for over 7 years.
Promotes brands and products in
media and over the Internet.
Participated in development of a
strategy of presence in social
networks, and continues working to
improve the concept. Content
creation (text, photo, video), the
reason for social networks.

Bruce Sadia
Development manager

Education: Master’s in
Communications and International
PR. Working experience over 3 years
in IT sphere with foreign people. She
is responsible for communicating
with foreign partners and

Evgeny Romanov
Community manager

Planning and conducting marketing
and PR activities of the company's
online Community management in
social network. In the project
responsible for developing programs
and support bounty team.
Blockchain enthusiast 2014.

David Kolmakhidze
Head of investment
relations department

Six years of experience in
investment in cryptocurrency,
development, consultant in
blockchain projects. Expert in
marketing strategy ICO. Great
experience in building partnerships
with investors and angel investors.

Advisory board


Kyle Wang
Senior Consultant
Cleveland, USA

«The team is exceptional!
CREDITS is a novel approach
and cryptoeconomic innovation
within blockchain»

David Drake
Managing Partner
at LDJ Capital
New York, USA

Mr. Drake's investments
currently have 50+ global
directors that maintain relations
with institutions & family offices
with $1.5 trillion in assets.

Christian Ferri
Entrepreneur, Investor
San Francisco, USA

Executive with extensive
experience in blockchain
strategic planning, investment
relations for both large blue
chips and nimble start-ups.

Michael Kapilkov
Blockchain Advisement
New York

«I am proud to announce that I
have joined 'CREDITS'​ as an ICO
Advisor» Founder Healthi,
CoFounder Altcoinz, CoFounder

Christophe Ozcan
technical - Expert

CEO & Co-founder at Crypto4All,
Blockchain Ecosystem Advisor
at Rockchain, Blockchain
commission member at AFNOR

Elie Galam
Bancor Foundation
Financial Advisor
New York

Chief Investment Officer at
Eastmore Group, Advisor to
Legolas Exchange and Gimli

Artjom Aminov
Blockchain architect
at F&L Galaxy, inc
London, United Kingdom

Developer and architecture of
high-availability server-side
applications based on
blockchain technologies

Tyler Perry-Smith
Investor, Enthusiast
Savitr Capital
San Francisco

«CREDITS can be the catalyst
that takes blockchain
functionality to mainstream
business operations!»

Jacob Salvador
Investor & Trader
Blockchain Specialist
Oslo, Norway

Experienced Investment
professional in the venture
capital and private equity
industry. Skilled in Blockchain

Henrique Centieiro
Business Consultant

A specialist in cryptocurrencies
and blockchain projects,
business planning and
development, corporate finance

cheus (OP)
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November 14, 2017, 10:37:56 AM
Last edit: April 09, 2018, 09:58:21 AM by cheus

Hello, dear community!
We are looking for a community/promotion manager
You can be the manager of the fastest Blockchain Platform in the World!

If you think you are the right person e-mail us at for more details now.

Priority regions:
- China
- Japan

- German
- India
- Thai
- Spanish

Also you can just fill that form:

Thanks for your support!
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November 14, 2017, 10:41:32 AM

We apologize for the inconvenience. We will try to solve this misunderstanding

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November 14, 2017, 10:46:08 AM

[ANN] Credits(CRDS): Ease of use, Privacy & Equality | Argon2d PoW - Masternodes


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November 14, 2017, 11:05:05 AM

[ANN] Credits(CRDS): Ease of use, Privacy & Equality | Argon2d PoW - Masternodes


Project with a similar name, but it's not us

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November 14, 2017, 12:23:07 PM

Reserve topic, the original was banned for unknown reasons, we learn in the situation
It is not fair! I wish you to solve this problem as soon as possible  Angry Angry Angry
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November 14, 2017, 10:15:11 PM

Credits – New Ethereum Competitor

The crypto-industry development has reached an unprecedented scale, and even the latest Ethereum platform-based blockchain development (Ether) sometimes takes quite a long time to cope with processing such a large influx of transactions in a few minutes.

The main performance problems with existing blockchains

The steady increase in the number of transactions in the network leads to block overflow and to a delay in the confirmation of transactions for an indefinite time. As a result, participants do not always manage to use payments in everyday life, for example, they have to wait for the payment in a restaurant due to a number of inconveniences because of the constantly arising problems of working with the system:

· Low transaction processing speed;
· Low traffic (the number of transactions per second);
· High transaction commission;

The Credits platform is an original development for a new generation; based on blockchain technology, which is ready to solve the problems of speed and transaction costs which will expand the potential for the use of blockchain in both the financial industry and the Internet of things.

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November 14, 2017, 10:20:27 PM

where bouunty thread
not explain detail about bounty dev, form spreadsheet in join, spredsheet participant and more
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November 14, 2017, 10:53:23 PM

The main objective of the product is to use it in credit institutions? How will the loan agreement be confirmed? Pledge of property? Legality of the transaction? The crisis is not payments?

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November 14, 2017, 11:11:56 PM

A very interesting project, there is a bounty program but the information is still a little. I will wait for more information bounty.
cheus (OP)
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November 15, 2017, 06:32:20 AM

A very interesting project, there is a bounty program but the information is still a little. I will wait for more information bounty.
Hi, look in the first post there is a link to the bounty program
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November 15, 2017, 11:58:01 AM

Bitcoiner published an article about CREDITS. See the innovative startup of  advanced blockchain with its outstanding features on the cutting edge of tech:

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November 15, 2017, 01:07:22 PM

Coinidol published an article about CREDITS. Our project offers brilliant solution of major blockchain problems. More info here:

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November 15, 2017, 01:32:22 PM

A very interesting project, there is a bounty program but the information is still a little. I will wait for more information bounty.
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November 15, 2017, 01:34:36 PM

where bouunty thread
not explain detail about bounty dev, form spreadsheet in join, spredsheet participant and more
Lazy people  Grin
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November 15, 2017, 05:26:22 PM

A speed of processing transactions up to 1 million transactions per second
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November 15, 2017, 06:50:02 PM

Sorry for my skepticism, however, every coin promises "cheap transaction". How will you support this promise and what range of fee will be?
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November 15, 2017, 08:57:06 PM

It is a pity that the original ann thread was deleted. There were so much interesting discussions and info there.   Cry  BTW, read that article on coinidol. Yep, CREDITS will beat  them up.
Yeah( How do you think, is there a chance to unban it?
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November 16, 2017, 05:21:14 AM

It is a pity that the original ann thread was deleted. There were so much interesting discussions and info there.   Cry  BTW, read that article on coinidol. Yep, CREDITS will beat  them up.
Yeah( How do you think, is there a chance to unban it?

what information do you see there is the lack of money to pay marketing?
cheus (OP)
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November 16, 2017, 07:26:29 AM

It is a pity that the original ann thread was deleted. There were so much interesting discussions and info there.   Cry  BTW, read that article on coinidol. Yep, CREDITS will beat  them up.
Right, in the old topic, a lot of questions are uncovered, there have been many answers from developers, I'm sure that they will answer here
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