ICO MAIN-SALE BEGINS APRIL 3rd, 2018! COME JOIN THE COMMUNITYshortcut to the whitepaper: https://indd.adobe.com/view/2ff28c3d-68bc-46ab-a29e-b797315829a1-or-Read the PROLOGUE about why BullToken is the new breed of ICOWe're looking for some quality due diligence from the crypto community, whom we also hope will join ours. It's no secret that our entire concept is dependent on you guys. Soon you'll see why.
We feel our overall strategy is solid. We've used thousands of painstaking hours to get where we are today, but we are purposely leaving some details as "?s" to be determined IN COOPERATION with you guys.
I honestly believe that transparency is key, so I'll be posting my personal social media accounts at the bottom of this post.
A QUICK PERSONAL INTRO: My name is Louie Procopio. I'm a real guy, most would say I'm also a real nice guy, and I like to skip. Like the song(skip to my Lou), not the rope. Skipping makes you happy, and those around you too. Especially seeing a grown man skipping with his kids. We share smiles with strangers, and it makes us all feel good!

You can see all about me and my skipping fetish on facebook. But I'm not here for that.
I just turned 33 a few days ago. I'm born and raised in LA California, and I moved to Norway in 2009. I have a Norwegian wife who I asked to marry me the day after we randomly met in Hawaii, and two beautiful Norwegian daughters as a result.
I work hard as the head of marketing for a Norwegian software dev company, and we are about to start an ICO in December which we are very excited for!
QUICK INTRO-CONCLUSION: I'm a real guy with real feelings, I'm putting myself, my family, my job, my colleges, and our vision out for you guys to critique(well you don't have to critique my family), and I just want to remind everyone again that I have real feelings too. So let's just be civil and stick to the subject, please
WHY AM I POSTING THIS?1. Feedback in the hopes of making something ALL OF YOU would want to be apart of.
2. To get valuable information from the community we feel matters most, in order to make critical changes to the plan (if neccessary)
3. Exposure
THE VISION:I'll let you read our Whitepaper soon, I promise

The vision here is to gather all the "right" people into a special community, with a bi-product of safe and responsible gains on (mostly) ICO investments.
The implications of that happening, and all of us working as one giant, efficient, friendly, and symbiotic ICO analysing/investing machine.... well, we think the implications of doing that can be a HUGE positive impact on the crypto and ICO space, and also for all the new investors entering this space. We also wouldn't mind showing the rest of the world that we can govern and regulate ourselves! --> #WeCanRegulateOurselves
So in short, we want to make a positive impact on the growing crypto community (yes, while we all make money). We want to be the standard for future ICOs. We want to bring transparency and legitimacy to the ICO market. We want to combine the "power of many" to craft well deserved and responsibly gained influence.
We are also working out a strategy for running an Interactive Coin Offering. Vitalik and Jason's Whitepaper on this was very inspiring, but came long after we set plans for the ICO. We dumped ALL OF OUR PLANS and went back to the drawing board last week. (potential for ICO "raincheck" is extremely small, but we want to make sure we are doing this correctly and will push back the ICO if deemed the right thing to do)
EDIT: We have since decided to move forward with our original dates. Before the pre-sale starts we will run a bug bounty on the pre-sale and mainsale smart contracts, which currently represent the standard Initial Coin Offering protocol. We are currently still working on a mainsale which follows the InteravtiveCO protocol, and when this is completed, we will be running a third party code audit, bug bounty, and of course the smart contract will be published for all to see before the mainsale begins.
WHAT AM I SPECIFICALLY HOPING TO GET FROM YOU GUYS?answers on the following...(although, just come with what your heart wants to)
1. What would you change to make it more "you"?
2. Are we missing something huge?
3. What kind of questions are you sitting with after reading the Whitepaper?
4. What do you HATE about the project?
5. What do you LOVE about the project?
6. Would you be interested in joining our community?
So guys, I'm here to answer ALL questions. If you don't get an answer right away, I apologise, but I'll be checking in as often as possible. I will answer EVERY question you have. Transparency is key. We have nothing to hide.
Just know that our strategy has been crafted to be able to listen to you guys, the crypto community that cares about the health of the community, that also enjoys making money on good investments, and finds satisfaction in helping others to do the same.
I already see one issue with the Whitepaper, but I'm missing reliable data to make a better statement. We say 10% of ICOs are scams, but now that number is WAY off. We just didn't want to seem like we were using scare tactics at the time, but these days it just seems like reality. Any details you find in the Whitepaper that should reflect a much higher % ratio of scams, 90% like I've seen many places, let me know!
This may be the first crypto project that is hoping to do a lot of the critical shaping in cooperation with the early believers. Hopefully we did a good job, and you'll see what I mean as you read the Whitepaper.
ONE LAST "BEHIND THE SCENES" INSIGHT We are purposely NOT NOT NOT flooding centralised giants like google and facebook with advertisements. The time from today until the project potentially goes online, is what will shape the rest of its life!!! Right now at this stage, we want to appeal to you guys and nobody else. We'll take care of "social proof" and mass marketing only after we have what's most important to us!
So the hard core, due diligence doing, Whitepaper scouring, long AF forum thread reading, HODL meme posting, Lambo grabbing, crypto community member, is by far, conceptually, the most important aspect. Coming in at a close second though is the REST of the community which would also benefit from us doing our thing, the way WE ALL envision doing it.
EDIT: since posting this we have run a successful campaign on Facebook, and have purchased advertising space on icoalert.com. Unfortunately in today's overfilled ICO space, it's basically impossible to get your word out, no matter how good it may be. This is a decision we stand for, and have decided to be transparent about it. You can decide if that was wrong of us or not
EDIT Google adwords has also been added to the list. On the one hand, it saddens me to feed the centralised giants that are Google and Facebook. On the other hand, we're getting tons of traffic and pre-sale registrations. it is what it is.
I'm looking for constructive criticism. If enough people tell us we are doing it wrong, our ears are wide open and we are super flexible. We want to GET IT right. Not BE right!
I want to thank all of you for your time and feedback. It is very appreciated and positively welcomed! Remember to ask questions if you are unsure about ANYTHING! I hope you guys are half as excited about this as I am.
So if you think its share worthy, please by all means, let your friends know. Thanks again!
* Github links will be posted directly after our code audit
* We are still working on the advisory board, so I apologise before hand. We can't disclose any names as of today.
* Please come with solid reasoning for your opinions. Good, bad, or ugly!

* Anyone interested in joining our team is welcome to contact me directly. Doesn't mean we'll say yes, but any die hard believer deserves a chance to prove themselves.
You can quote me on everything I've stated in this post.AND IT'S TIME!Whitepaper:
https://bulltoken.tech/utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_medium=forum&utm_content=announcepost&utm_campaign=wolves* I imagine most of you know what UTM codes are, but if you don't, I'm adding them to our URL because I'm a marketer, and I'm interested to see the traffic from this post that's coming to our website. #transparency
My personal accounts... Again, I'm putting myself 100% out there. Please be respectful. Thanks