Income inequality. It seems to be a common issue in many developed countries, being a small problem when the country is rising and progress well in the economy, and then escalating to be one of the largest problems in the country when it becomes much more developed. The irony is that in the chase of becoming a globally-recognized economy, it is inevitable that income inequality will happen. In my opinion, this is simply because only a percentage of the nation are presented with the right opportunities, at the right time (be it connections, recruitment opportunities or headhunted, etc). Hence, the idea of income equality is already bound to happen with nations progressing forward in the economy. The true meaning of utilitarian benefits is entirely flawed because for that to actually occur, every resident of the nation has to see each other as equal. In today's globalized interconnected world, many cities possess a huge mix of people and are becoming more cosmopolitan, making it very difficult for everyone to view each other as equal. That's the whole idea of capitalism isnt it haha. (wow writing this post is actually bringing out a lot of feels within me lol)
Income inequality, has been around forever
Income inequality occurs due to hegemony, corruption, centralization, controlled media and division
Which are all evident now
All wars are fake controlled by hegemony
(1936 Prescott Bush worked with Hitler, Prescott Bush begets George Bush - president 1991 who begets George bush president 2001 and Jeb Bush 2016 - current politician designed to be president)
(King George 1917 did not help his cousin Nicholas the Russian Tsar)
Due to King George in 1917 not helping his cousin he financially benefited trillions.
and so on it goes
be careful of your university professors, used by hegemony (Soros foundation) to socially engineer generations
forgive me if I am wrong but are you a student of economics