Yes, I make them. 12V or 5V or whatever connector you need.
Thanks, I'll keep you in mind.
Does something like this exist? I saw there were adapters for 12v pci-e plug to multiple barrel plugs to supply power to BFL singles. Would someone make these barrel plugs, but accept input of a 5v + ground from a 4 pin molex or SATA plug to these barrel connectors that USB hubs run off of? I'm looking to convert my GPU farm to a massive amount of USB miners to tide me over until BFL delivers, and I have a beef with the power delivery these hubs. Most power bricks supply maybe 2 amps @ 5v, and are incredibly power inefficient. Most ATX power supplies supply very stable and clean 5v power, anywhere from 16-24 amps. Wouldn't it make more sense to pull power from your power supply?
That's what I did with my Rosewill hub (DIY) it now runs from a beefier external power supply.
If you're gonna do that though, open up the hub and either beef up or short out the diodes that pass current from the DC jack to the circuit, otherwise you could burn the original ones out from the higher current drain than it was designed to handle.
I'm not -too- concerned with the diode mod. I believe the hub will be running slightly over spec for power (10 miners = 27.5 watts), but nothing to cause horrible catastrophic failure. I mainly want these barrel/molex adapters to reduce power brick clutter. Gaining power efficiency and possibly lower HW errors due to cleaner power is just icing on the cake.