Hold up, they terminated your account and blocked your addresses? How do they even do the latter? I believe there has to be a reason still, and perhaps you can try reaching their support with a neutral viewpoint. The problem of not receiving cash from Coinbase users might be a problem on their site, so you should check it with multiple users. Was there something wrong with your account information, like bank details or your identification?
They have to be actively lurking my website to find the public addresses and blocking them. I run a risque website that people try to demonetize, so my only assumption is people complain to them about being a potential source of income and Coinbase willingly obliges by blocking Coinbase users from sending coin to my addresses.
This is the only email I got, besides the one responding to my phone call telling me that they've allowed me to withdraw my currency.
https://my.mixtape.moe/qqxmho.pngThe only relationship between my shitty drama website and Coinbase was a single referral URL in one post that was there for over a year. After they terminated, they still lurk the site to pull public addresses to stop donations. That is the only way the addresses that they've blocked could have been blacklisted.
It's like banning donations to 4chan or something. There's nothing illegal about my website or my business. I'm fully doxed, I gave them all of my government ID, I'm sitting in the U.S. mainland writing this post without a proxy. If I was breaking the law I'd already be up to my tits in red tape.