Operation eBCH Worldwide Facebook Contest! .
Let's see how creative you can get!
1) Join
https://www.facebook.com/ebchcoin and post images (selfie) with key landmark on earth.
2) One person can post multiple images but one person cannot claim multiple prizes.
3) Pics will be reviewed by FB moderators and approved by them to get posted on our page.
4) Contest is based on number of likes in your pic. So a pic with most number of likes will be awarded with first prize and so on.
5) Share you pic with your friends to get more likes.
6) Pic Guidelines: Prepare a banner like one in this post and take a picture by placing it in front of a landmark place. Make sure to write eBCH in it. You are not required to be in the pic but if you do so then that might help you get more likes.
7) Reward: 1st Prize - 5k tokens, 2nd Prize - 3k Tokens and 3rd Prize - 2k tokens.
Contest starts now and ends on December 23 at 11:59 PM UTC.
9 ) You must post pic on our page.
Good luck everyone!!