Bitcoin Diamond Is a decentralized P2P Network designed for bitcoin users this is not just PoW but it runs on Proof Of Stake with 100% Interest every year you don't need to worry about coins running out since there are 4.6 billion Total supply to handle inflation and since there are only 1000 Total blocks to be mined in PoW there wont be anymore coins existing in Proof Of Work and thereafter the coin will work into Proof Of Stake As this is the official launch of bitcoin Diamond We aim to keep the community happy and help to bring some better value for the coin.
Not just a copy but an implementation
Every coding is done very precisely so users don't have any issues with it in future. We have made sure the code does not interfere with any other software's We have spent good amount of time in coding and replicating different forks in one It can perhaps handle a lot of transaction's at the same time That's why we call it Bitcoin Diamond.
With built over a period of several years using Peercoins Proof-of-Stake and Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work consensus as a reference implementation, bringing an alternative codebase to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Bitcoin Diamond does not have any ICO as we believe Most ico are just Scams and we don't want community to believe in any ICO as not all ICO are legitimate. Bitcoin Diamond is a self funded project designed for its users the premine of 10% will help the network to reward and make the network running Airdops will be only be through twitter campaign for now.
Bitcoin Diamond will be adding more updates as for now windows and linux wallet will be available and MAC wallet will soon be added to the website and would be updated on the bitcointalk page.
Bitcoin Diamond also aims for the fastest transactions of 1 Confirmation as bitcoin's source itself is in experimental stage we are hoping we would be succesful in making the fastest version of bitcoin.
Bitcoin Diamond source is available on Github and any user can download.
Bitcoin Diamond website, Hosting , Nodes will be maintained throughly and any users can write on bitcointalk if they are facing any issues regarding any wallet we will be happy to assist and would be active for the users.
Bitcoin Diamond Developers dislikes ICO concepts and Forks that are making bitcoin Market Unstable and confusing So we are trying to solve this by proving a better chain so people can benefit using a faster chain for their businesses.
bitcoin diamond developers hopes's to build a good strong community.
Bitcoin Diamond Developers wish to make things simple for rewards and solving issues we just hope to have a happy community.
Updates On
Bitcoin Diamond Would be added On As well as Bitcointalk Page.
No need of any additional services
We have added Speed and accuracy in our software Our implementation proves the fastest and most reliable version of bitcoin We have also made the block size much smaller which therefore would not need for any future Segwit implementation on it.
We’re really happy you’ve chosen to engage this thread because we love to have new members in our communityWallet Result - can download the Bitcoin Download wallet directly from our website:
Symbol: Ƀ
Proof of Staking (
BitcoinDiamond's PoS)
1000 PoW Blocks After that PoS Mode to start.
Security enhanced - Variable coin age depending on the staking time
Minimum coin age - 8 Hours
Interest rate - network weight dependent with maximum 100%;
Block time - 64 Seconds
Total Supply - 4.6 Billion
Premine - 10%
Block hash - Scrypt
Maturity: 10 Blocks
Stake reward - 100%
Confirmation -1 , Target Timespan - 1 Block
Rpc Port - 27268
P2P Port - 27267
Ticker - BID
Twitter the latest version of cpuminer from here and extract the zip file.
Create a .bat file named mine.bat and paste the following text into mine.bat.
minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:password
Save the file inside the extracted cpuminer folder.
Open your wallet and execute mine.bat to start mining your first coins.
Close your wallet and create the file yourcoin.conf in the folder "%APPDATA%\yourcoin\".
Paste the following text into yourcoin.conf and save the file.
addnode= Users will need to add their own node
Download the latest version of cpuminer and extract the zip file.
(Also can be seen on your network tab on the explorer)
Additional Node IP:
Websitewww.bitcoindiamond.inExchange -
Support Bitcoin Diamond ( BID )
To enjoy BitcoinDiamond Launch Reward Simply Tweet On Twitter And Send Only Through Inbox.
Do not Send Wallet Addresses On The Page.News users wish to list to another exchange please donate us - 16uuPMcbRcMHpQ7GyJ1YzU54yVeTMsvB5o