July 09, 2013, 06:32:39 PM |
well if its gonna be so big maybe you should start making the payouts from your giveaway threads?
My negative trust rating is reflective of a personal vendetta by someone on default trust.
July 09, 2013, 07:25:29 PM |
just register for my faucets ill pay you guys
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 07:30:45 PM |
nearmiss on the redcoin train? lol
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 07:34:03 PM |
right guys id recommend you move to nearmiss's pool. Ill provide you all with your balances today and pm or email you guys
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 07:34:12 PM |
choo choo
Profit-Switching Pool w/ Vardiff -> http://hashco.ws Optionally keep the alts we mine or auto-trade for BTC. In addition can be paid out in any of: 365, AC, BC, BTC, C2, CINNI, COMM, FAC, HBN, MINT, PMC, QRK, RDD, WC, XBC
July 09, 2013, 08:16:12 PM |
I will be in pool in about 1-1.5 h
u already did 1 share 

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
July 09, 2013, 09:49:36 PM |
Nice! Got a block within a couple minutes of joining the pool. Here's to good luck!
July 09, 2013, 09:55:34 PM |
choo choo
could you up the "Automatic Payout Threshold" on your server. 25 is just not high enough for this coin. Maybe 5000 or so. Solo mining I received 2k to 3k per hour.
July 09, 2013, 09:56:27 PM |
^solo isnt the same as pooled you know, some people around this forum seem to forget that
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 09:59:00 PM |
^solo isnt the same as pooled you know, some people around this forum seem to forget that
but still, the current max is 25 which is not enough for this coin. BTW, the blocks on your redcoin server, were probably from my miner. I had your pool as my backup to solo mining and my laptop went to sleep while I was away, so the miners switched to the pool. Shares where running really good. LOL
July 09, 2013, 10:01:12 PM |
thats true, but it is appropriate after 3 days the reward is going to be reduced
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 10:06:07 PM |
^thats how it was in my pool, its not viable to run pools like that, which is why ive told you all to switch to nearmiss's pool
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 10:20:08 PM |
yep, thats one of my main problems, if anyone here is interested in running a pool and is willing to partner with me then feel free to pm me, that includes coding or marketing etc
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 10:33:11 PM |
been stuck in transit (still am) pretty much since I put up the pool. I can increase the payout threshold a bit later tonight. Happy to leave the pool up as long as there is interest, but you aren't going to attract people to the coin by showing them an empty pool. Even those who quickly replied here when the pool went up seem to have already moved on. If the supporters can't spare even a few hours of hashpower, what hope is there? 
Profit-Switching Pool w/ Vardiff -> http://hashco.ws Optionally keep the alts we mine or auto-trade for BTC. In addition can be paid out in any of: 365, AC, BC, BTC, C2, CINNI, COMM, FAC, HBN, MINT, PMC, QRK, RDD, WC, XBC
July 09, 2013, 10:40:40 PM |
agreed nearmiss, im thinking of just leaving the poolbiz, literally everyone here complains about about something or the other when they cant even be loyal to the coin.
This is for everyone here who complained to me about no pool, a pool is up nearmiss is known for having some of the most stable pools around, so why dont you join and mine? it would save us ops a lot of hassle and plenty of aggrevation
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 10:44:42 PM |
^solo isnt the same as pooled you know, some people around this forum seem to forget that
I had to come back to this post as I do not think your statement had any relation to my post about a max payout of 25 was not high enough. But,I will comment on your statement. First off, about solo and pool mining. You have stated several times that you do not have a miner to test your pool out for this coin and other pools that you started. That means lack of experience mining, either solo or in a pool. I for one, find solo mining or pool mining the same. I use command lines (or batch files) using cgminer and not the coin client with my miners. My miners do not even have a coin client loaded on them, you dont need them for most coins and redcoin is one of them. I am running the coin client on my laptop and use it as the main machine for my miners to connect to. From the miner workstation themselves, there is no difference to connecting to my laptop or to a pool using cgminer. You still use an IP address, port, user and password for either solo or pool. In fact, I have the pool as my backup while I solo mine and vice-versa. To switch from solo to pool mining, I just select "P" then "S" and type the pool number. With cgminer, my laptop is designated as a pool just as the pool itself. As for the payout, sure there are some differences but each block still pays the same coins to the pool or the solo miner. For Redcoin, when the 2x and 3x ends, the blocks are still going to be paying 50 to 150 coins. So having a max automatic payout of 25 is not enough. As for the amount you accumulate solo or pool mining. Yeah there will be some difference, but its suppose to even out in the long run, but the difference should not be great. So, I think your comment is wrong.
July 09, 2013, 10:48:59 PM |
actually i was a miner, just a small time one with a 4850 Pool mining is supposed to even it out, but there is no evening out if the hashrate is poor, which wihthout the phang guy it was, when he came with his 25mh, we made a killing, once he leaves everyone goes off to i dont know where. So with a tiny hashrate its close to impossible to find blocks. Due to everyone leaving i wasnt able to cnvert the pool to pps as promised because it would have lasted a day at max with the hashrate we had.
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.
July 09, 2013, 10:58:50 PM |
actually i was a miner, just a small time one with a 4850 Pool mining is supposed to even it out, but there is no evening out if the hashrate is poor, which wihthout the phang guy it was, when he came with his 25mh, we made a killing, once he leaves everyone goes off to i dont know where. So with a tiny hashrate its close to impossible to find blocks. Due to everyone leaving i wasnt able to cnvert the pool to pps as promised because it would have lasted a day at max with the hashrate we had.
Did anyone get paid? Most miners that I know of left because they were not getting paid. There were two of us that stayed on the server trying to help you sort the problem. After a server restart, then a db refresh where we had to reregister to start mining again, then finally, you gave up. We were still trying to help out. You did send a small about of coin that did not even total a bonus block to me, but otherwise my 2,100KH/s made nothing so far. While I was out today, my miner auto-switched to your pool and when I go login to your server, I show nothing for my miners. There are new blocks found, but they go to "unknown" so the server still does not work. Users try and if it does not work, they leave. You also talk a lot about miners complaining, but the two of us that made many replies to these posts here have been nothing but helpful to try and get your pool up and running. We did not complain, we let you know what was happening and tried to work with you to solve it. So throwing out a blanket statement the "everyone here complains about something or the other" is BS and offensive to those of us who have tried to do whatever we could to help out.
July 09, 2013, 11:06:30 PM |
okay shall i change the statement to exclude you two, and im not sure if youve noticed but since nearmiss put his pool up i decided to close mine to encourage everyone to visit his pool, theres not enough miners for 1 pool let alone 2. and as ive said im going through the db as we speak
Bitrated user: ahmedbodi.