Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
February 28, 2018, 04:51:36 AM |
When finally the token is came into the exchanges?
Hello. At the moment we are concluding agreements with EXMO and Binance, negotiations are in progress with others. There might be additional exchanges – we will update information ASAP.
Activity: 124
Merit: 0
February 28, 2018, 04:55:21 AM |
I gave referral code to my friend but I did not receive bonus, why?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
February 28, 2018, 05:00:01 AM |
I gave referral code to my friend but I did not receive bonus, why?
Dear MODIGO Your friend have to make an investment in order to receive bonus. The referral program works by means of distribution of a referral code and provides fixed remuneration at a rate of 40 BFY. The main condition should be followed such as there should be BFY tokens purchased during the ICO campaign on the user's account. The one who sent and the one who activated the referral BFY code will receive bonus at a rate of 20 BFY each and referral tokens will be granted after the end of ICO only to those who made an investment and will be sent to the user's Bank4YOU wallet.
Activity: 201
Merit: 10
February 28, 2018, 05:03:05 AM |
Hi. Please tell me, have you ever been on the market before?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
February 28, 2018, 05:05:47 AM |
Hi. Please tell me, have you ever been on the market before?
Hello. Bank4you Group’s team is international; our team of representatives and advisers are all over the globe. Established in 2013 and headquartered in London, UK, in 2016 Bank4YOU transformed into Bank4YOU Group, an international consortium of fin-tech service companies operating within the electronic mobile payment services arena. FCA License No715451, issued by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority authorizes Bank4YOU to provide credit. Bank4YOU customers no longer need to depend on bureaucratic procedures associated with traditional banking. Its service has been created to ensure time-efficiency, convenience and secure transactions. Bank4You already works with a number of blue-chip organizations, delivering state-of-the-art prepaid card programs that target different user groups. Its customers are able to choose their ideal product from a wide range of pre-paid card options including Bank4You Group’s Corporate card and Premium card, along with mobile banking services.
Activity: 107
Merit: 0
February 28, 2018, 10:23:33 PM |
What is the real use of the token/coin in the project?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
February 28, 2018, 10:32:48 PM |
What is the real use of the token/coin in the project?
The BFY token will allow profit on transactions and through other financial operations in the system. Besides, the BFY token holder will be allowed to purchase MMR tokens on discounted price, which means cheaper services on cross-border transfers. The revenue generated through the sales revenue of Bank4YOU Group’s credit products will provide for financial transaction profit. Transactions reporting will be provided by the independent auditing organisations controlling the income generation of Bank4YOU Group. Equitable distribution of a part of this income to users will be enabled.
HP Guy
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
February 28, 2018, 10:43:23 PM |
What challenges are you facing and what development stage are you now?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
February 28, 2018, 11:59:03 PM |
What challenges are you facing and what development stage are you now?
Thank you for the question! Our challenges, according to reports are : - for the free functioning of the remittance system both within and outside a country, there is a strong need for the absence of restrictions on part of the financial regulator of that particular country (the central bank), along with the availability of open markets. - for banking services to function properly, a large amount of digital infrastructure and user identification tools are needed. - users have to choose a solution that exists in the market but would be more expensive and will not be cross-border The project is solving these challenges. Bank4YOU Group plans to spend crowd funded means on elaboration of its system of mobile money, development of new software, incorporation of microcrediting system, and new financial services based on Blockchain.
Activity: 252
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 12:14:07 AM |
Who would you consider as your competition and how you plan on beating them?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 12:23:43 AM |
Who would you consider as your competition and how you plan on beating them?
Hello! Many companies which provide money remittance can be considered as competitors ( like Western Union, WorldRemit ). To respond to these competitors , users will be provided with: - Lower money remittance fees than what compatible services offer. - As low volatility as possible of the means of payment. - Simplicity of conversion into other means of payment and B2C interaction, which implies: Wide network of existing agents capable of cashing out a payment tool or, conversely, accepting cash in exchange for electronic money (more convenient to handle and/or to transport) Bank4YOU Group plans to develop the business in the countries with already formed market of mobile money, hence the expenses connected with creation of dealer and agency networks won’t incur. Possibility of automatically converting one payment tool into another means of payment – mobile money and at electronic money. Possibility of buying/selling goods and services using a means of payment Micro-crediting system
Activity: 138
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 01:25:20 AM |
Hi! How tokenholders will benefit from your token?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 01:34:08 AM |
Hi! How tokenholders will benefit from your token?
Hello! BFY token grants the right to receive: 1. Part of total group companies income up to 1% received from loan products implementation. 2. 2.5% discounts for purchasing MMR token. 3. 1% of income by group of companies of mobile money remittances total turnover. Part of total group companies income up to 1% received from loan products implementation, 1% of income by group of companies of mobile money remittances total turnover is divided between tokenholders. Please see page 23-24 of our WP , you can find the actual formula of calculating holder’s award during payment period, which is 1 quarter of a year.
Activity: 96
Merit: 0
March 01, 2018, 01:36:25 AM |
Hello! What was your project latest activity? I`m not hearing about you much.
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 01:42:56 AM |
Hello! What was your project latest activity? I`m not hearing about you much.
Bank4You participated FINNEXT-2018. Here's a video report from Bank4YOUGroup's presentation at Finnext:
Activity: 226
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 01:47:29 AM |
How can i get free tokens?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 04:40:56 AM |
How can i get free tokens?
Participate in our bounty program referral program, which works by means of distribution of a referral code and provides fixed remuneration at a rate of 40 BFY. The main condition should be followed such as there should be BFY tokens purchased during the ICO campaign on the user's account. The one who sent and the one who activated the referral BFY code will receive bonus at a rate of 20 BFY each and referral tokens will be granted after the end of ICO only to those who made an investment and will be sent to the user's Bank4YOU wallet.
Activity: 140
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 04:42:32 AM |
What is targeted amount of investment?
Activity: 204
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 05:36:19 AM |
Where is your main office situated?
Bank4YOU_Group (OP)
Activity: 196
Merit: 10
March 01, 2018, 05:48:21 AM |
What is targeted amount of investment?
The minimum sum of BFY tokens to purchase is 500 BFY.