Just curious. What if I make a super strong password, forget it and their servers will be shut down for some reason? On their website they are saying something like "You can set any kind of passwords without worrying about anything". Also it it possible to set password for example for bitcoin core or it works only with popular online cervices?
I doubt that. Also since they are backed up by a pretty big company, they would notify you about that for sure. Im not sure, but i think you can recover the account somehow.
Also you can always write a backup of the passwords somewhere, or type a hint incase you forgot sometimes. Also saying that "worrying about anything" is kind of advertisement talk because on technology there are some certain risks involved. Nothing is bullet proof. You can save the password for bitcoin core on the vault yes, however the possible autofill option only works on browsers, so for bitcoin core you'd have to copypaste the passwords into the client. It is possible to save anything on the vault, even some notes if you want to.