Bitcoin Black Pre-sale 180x cheaper than ICO
bitcoin.blackPre-Sale:We are seeking expressions of interest for the Pre-Sale:
Pre sale 100+ total members.
180x cheaper pricing than ICO.
900 million coins to be distributed between 100+ members.
Minimum contribution per person $50.
Maximum contribution per person $500.
Entry of $500= 9 million coins (ICO $500= 50000 coins).
Entry of $50= 900 000 coins (ICO $50 = 5000 coins).
What funds will be used on:Security of blockchain.
Server costs/ Hosting costs/ Scaling to mass usage costs.
Call in development costs.
Multilingual expansion and management.
Rewards program improvement.
Setting up community support & branches.
Professional writing.
And more tasks needed to get the project closer to ICO stage.
Once we reach 1 million users we will begin ICO:Price of coins will be $0.01 at ICO maximum contribution $1000 at this point.
At ICO what will be have:
1 million members
Time tested blockchain with millions of successful transactions processed.
A growth rate higher than most top 10 cryptocurrencies.
A true fair payment ecosystem giving the power back to the people.
A method to get Bitcoin Black to every school yard/ university/ workplace and community.
Why get involved:To play a part in the future of Bitcoin Black.
Have more coins than possible to buy during ICO.
If you believe in the project and wish for it to succeed long term.
Part of the ICO funds will go directly to approximately 3 Pre-sale members who will act as one of many foundations long term depending on the team they put together and methods they wish to use to contribute to the network.
You can wish to remain anonymous or if you like you can be added to the website in the founding team section with a brief bio about yourself and your strengths.
By being the fairest distributed coin other projects will fork and will replicate the coins you have to other projects.
Pre-Sale price is $0.000055555555555556 per coin compared to $0.01 ICO price (Pre-Sale 180 times cheaper than ICO).
Requirements:Help in some way to push the project forward.
Not be seeking to sell all coins after ICO and be in it for a quick profit and not sell at a market order.
Contribute to the project in some way.
Examples: video script writing, video producer, community manager for your local community or country, mathematician, developer, translator, seo specialist, exchange listings.
Together the Pre-Sale team will:Discuss and agree on tasks needed to execute tasks through slack once agreed upon.
Examples: making explainer videos, writing content, exchange listings, logo design, code commits, ICO submission to websites, SEO, blockchain event appearances, social functions, educational seminars, collaboration with other blockchain projects.
Register you interest:
Brief background on yourself & what you can contribute to Bitcoin Black?
Would you want to be featured as a founder/ team member on the website or you wish to be anonymous?
$50 or $500?
Native language?
Are you a rewards member?
We would like to spread the pre-sale throughout many languages/ countries rather than have participants centralized in one county as part of our fair distribution model.
We are seeking community managers for different regions/ support managers/ developers/ traders/ marketing/ customer support/ design/ business managers/ social media managers/ translators/ and any other skill you feel can contribute to the success of Bitcoin Black.
Register your interest via email: