I like the community, and also like the dev. team supporting their coin.
I'm liking phenixcoin because I think that they have a ton of resources as well as some potential great sites coming out. Exciting times ahead for them, especially with the partnership between phenix, feather, and worldcoin.
I like that 3 coins are working together
Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 4 nodes
Date: 9-7-2013 21:34
To: PaEfjDGyHDx5ZMZJ8Mk35gdhFfqdNiVpFx
Debit: -10.00 PXC
To: Pr1nafupC6nrcRAKBNVq69CvTokzYPSqLj
Debit: -10.00 PXC
To: PsPh5TnbCtdP5ZQDDcus69gGrgAUAePMgw
Debit: -10.00 PXC
Transaction fee: -0.001 PXC
Net amount: -30.001 PXC
Transaction ID: ef57fd22e8956b888c4298f9882201ab8bc1a46b53954d6d1c2cfa9485c68038
You are doing great guys!