You're actually on to something here.
rage quit after being insulted by TECSHARE during a bidding dispute.
The two accounts have a lot of interaction:
#5@1.1 - providing I can use squall as proxy, I will pay directly, but I am moving, I will be watching if you accept my bid.
Ended last night
PM coming your way HardyGoodsLtd
#87 0.133
#60 0.134
I am sure you just edited in a bid, fortunately for you it was not in snipe zone (I am watching), but please dont do that, as its not fair to other bidders
yeeer, sorry, I did edit shortly after my bid on one coin, as I was not being outbid and plenty of time I did not want to double post
its lost on me, wanna let me in on the joke?
ending today, no further announcements from me
winning so far, good luck all.
ESCROW IS ACCEPTED!!! my preferred are ognasty, minerjones, squall1066, yogg, but any others are with my approval.
This one is funny.
ignore quotes lol, I was using old auction as template and forgot to remove quotation code
lol, yes you know me I will start at 0.01
awesome thanks,
it will save me a bit on postage if you win.
It's kind of like he's being clever to himself. He was also using his alt to drive bids up and vouch for himself.
Another pop at 0.014
daily bump, your winning.
same again, I probably wont have time to bump again so best of luck all.
Also, squall could be a "she", sorry for misgendering you.
squall1066 passed on your info to me so she can vouch for me if thats what you need
that was fast^^
sure I will look you over, thanks
Awesome, squall came and dropped it off, talk about service.
Thanks alot.
Ooh... here's squall bidding on a HardyGoods auction.
daily bump, winning so far, ends tomorrow afternoon
Also, both accounts like to start posts by saying "hiya all"... both are from Midlands UK... both don't like to capitalize beginnings of sentences... It's worth checking to see if HardyGoods has any alts bidding on his current auctions. After a cursory glance I found none. But I pass off the torch to someone else at this point.