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Author Topic: (MKT) Mktcoin - POS and Masternodes  (Read 47957 times)
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March 03, 2018, 10:24:47 AM


Based on Yiimp pool (No Registration Needed)
Fee  : 0.9% Only (Lowest Fee)

Ddos Protection Server ( Uptime 99.99%)
Powered by Amazon Web Service (AWS)

-o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x

if, your ISP been blocked by AWS, alternatively you can mine here
-o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x

good poll
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March 03, 2018, 11:37:20 AM


Actually this coin, at the moment I am writing, is by far the most profitable coin. On my GTX 1070 Ti I am making about $6/7 per day/card


Name: Mktcoin (MLM)
Algo: X17
Best Miner: Ccminer Alexis HSR(see the FAQ section for more detailed info) - download link -->
OC settings: 72% PL / +130 Core / + 350 MEM (see the FAQ section for more detailed info about -i intensity settings)
Pools: (VERY  HONEST POOL WITH HONEST GUYS) OR OR (I would NOT SUGGEST to use it. They are OVERLOADED and you could lose some shares) OR (see the FAQ section for relevant differences)


To mine this coin you will need:

1) THE WALLET. To create the wallet, in Windows, you have to register on the offical website. You can follow this link ----> REGISTER TO GET THE WALLET - Use screen following screenshots that will guide you on how to register and create the wallet:

- Click on the THIS LINK and you will be redirected to the registration page  --->
- You will receive an email to confirm your registration. Click on the confirmation link.
- Login to your account and you will find on the home page your wallet ID. This is a unique ID that you will use to receive all of your transactions. --->

2) THE MINER. The best miner for the X17 Algo is the ALEXIS HSR miner. You can download it here:

To start the miner you will have to edit your start.bat file (or create it in case you don't have it already), which must be in the same folder of the ccminer.exe file and use this command inside the start.bat file:

ccminer-alexis.exe -a x17 -o <address of the pool you choose with port number> -u <your wallet ID> -i 22  (check the FAQ for the best intensity settigns based on your card)

Save and start.

Now you are mining the MLM coin!


Q) Where can I check my balance on the pool website where I am mining?

A) You can check on the pool page ( clicking on WALLET and filling it with your WALLET ID

Q) What is the best pool to mine?

A) The best pool where to mine -in theory- should have an high hash rate and should be VERY honest. It's very easy nowdays to mine in pools that will, in some way, steal a part of your profits. What I would suggest you is to make a comparison by yourself (I did it but I prefer to not share my results). Mine with, for example, 2 cards on one pool and 2 cards on another pool. Same type of cards, same all. Same start and same end. Keep mining for not less than 48 hours. You will be impressed by the results! I am currently mining on (VERY honest people)

Q) Why my wallet balance on the home page is ZERO even if I received transactions from the pool where I mined?

A) To view your balance on your wallet just go to the "FINANCIAL" section of your control panel and click on UPDATE WITH EXTERNAL BALANCE ( ) and your balance will show up in a few seconds.

Q) How can I transfer my money to an exchange?

A) to transfer your balance just follow the instructions of these screen captures:  and - Click on FINANCIAL then on BALANCE TRANSFER. Then select in the "Transfer of" MY WALLET option and in the "Transfer To" WALLET (HASH) option. Fill with the recipient ID and with the amount, click on VERIFY. Done.

Q) What are the best OC settings?

A) This coin uses the X17 Algo which is VERY INTENSIVE on the CORE but NOT very intensive on the MEMORY. Usually the core is being loaded at 100% while the memory load is just about 25/27%. My advice is to overclock the CORE as much as possible but to not overclock the memory too much.
My actual OC settings for cards using Afterburber are: TDP 72% / CORE + 130 / MEMORY + 350
If you don't have problems about electricity bill then you can increase the TDP to 100 but this will increase your power consumption quite a lot. I found the best power consumption to hash rate ratio being at 72% TDP. Up to you.

Q) What is the best -i intensity settings for my card?

A) I did a lot of performance testing and I find out that every card model can sustain different intensity settings. Here are the max settings I tested. Going higher caused crashed on my rigs.  
- GTX 1060 6GB -i 21.5
- GTX 1070 (this card is very critical) - to keep the gtx 1070 stable and not crashing I had to set the -i to 20 and the max core clock to +100 and the MEM to +300
- GTX 1070yi -i 21.5
- GTX 1080ti -i 21.5
. If you experience crashes then reduce the intensity by 0.1 stepsa nd reduce the CORE clock by 10Mhz steps.

Q) What should be the hash rate on the NVIDIA GPU?

A) With my settings and Alexis HSR you should get: GTX 1060 6GB = 6.9 MH/s - GTX 1070 = 11 MH/s - GTX 1070ti = 13 MH/s - GTX 1080ti = 18.5 MH/s
Like I said before if you want a performance boost just increase the TDP from 72% up to 100%. But after some extensive testing I have found that at 72% I have the best performance to power usage ratio.

If you have more questions you can contact me in private. I will be glad to help.

If you did like my guide I ask you to register your wallet using my link. REGISTER TO GET THE WALLET

Difficulty spiked to 17.887 k and the value dropped a bit to 0.00001071 (south exchange).

Profit dropped to $6/7 per 1070Ti. Still very profitable I think. Just be careful about the pool you use. The biggest is not always the better. The biggest pools could be overloaded and you could lose a LOT of coins. I am mining on now.

For people that have problems trasnfering money, finding out why the balance is zero or other problems just follow my guide. Solutions are all written there.

Mining - receiving coins - transfering - exchanging. All works 100% perfectly and quickly. The way it works is a bit different compared to the other coins. But just read my guide and you will do it easily.
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March 03, 2018, 11:51:13 AM

Difficulty has nearly tripled for the last 1 hour. Single 1070 earns about 1.2 coins per hour or about 30 per 24h. On the current exchange rate of 1050 satoshi, the earnings are around $3.30 per card. If the price drops further, it will no longer be profitable to mine this coin.
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March 03, 2018, 11:51:34 AM

↑↑↑ haha you were earlier Smiley


dont know where didyou get that math but its like 3,7$ per 1070ti,
yeah price fall, diff up 2.5x

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March 03, 2018, 12:56:52 PM

I've mined it for about 5 hrs so far.
Had a payment sent to my address.
It's had over 90 confirmations according to the explorer

It still doesn't show in my wallet though.
This coin does look fishy...

Dont use MKTcoins wallet, just use your SouthXchange wallet and mine it directly their.  that's what I'm doing.  

does it really work to use directly the wallet address from southexchange ?  did you check ?

It works.  Been doing it for the past 6 hours.  Not sure why everyone is trying to figure out why MKTcoin wallet is not working.  just use an exchange address and be done with it.

Man, open your web wallet, stay in the wallet page and wait for a while before checking your balance. Please do not jump to conclusions

What do you mean wait for a while?  why would I do that?  It makes more sense for me to use my SouthXchange wallet address to transfer MLM coins from pool to exchange.  The fact that I have to wait years for it to hit my MKT wallet, then transfer Hash to MLM, and figure the rest, is pointless to me.   If the developers dont want us to do that, then dont make it so damn confusing for miners to trade...period.


Internet wallet registered address:
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March 03, 2018, 01:05:07 PM

its just not worth it anymore, with 6x gpu about 1-2 coins per hour
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March 03, 2018, 01:19:40 PM

Welcome to our pool, 0% two weeks

-a x17 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOU_WALLET -p c=MLM
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March 03, 2018, 01:37:53 PM

its just not worth it anymore, with 6x gpu about 1-2 coins per hour

Which GPU ?!
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March 03, 2018, 01:39:03 PM

what great news does this coin give. the price pump is something off the chart? anybody can clarify whats going on? thanks

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March 03, 2018, 01:44:15 PM

Hi all! why don't I see the coins in my wallet?
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March 03, 2018, 02:02:52 PM

dev, which is the algorithm for the difficulty calculation?

cant seem to fond any of that info on the webpage?
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March 03, 2018, 02:12:24 PM

I do not get how to transfer from the wallet to southexchange...

When I get to I enter the following information :
Transfer of : My login
Transfer to : Wallet hash
Recipient login/hash : SouthExchange wallet address

The I click "Verify", it says "Data validated successfully, hold up!"

But two more fields have appeared :

What does this mean? Damn, this is overly complicated!
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March 03, 2018, 02:13:55 PM

I do not get how to transfer from the wallet to southexchange...
When I get to I enter the following information :
Transfer of : My login
Transfer to : Wallet hash
Recipient login/hash : SouthExchange wallet address
The I click "Verify", it says "Data validated successfully, hold up!"
But two more fields have appeared :
What does this mean? Damn, this is overly complicated!

I'm using direclty southxchange's wallet to mine and it's working Wink
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March 03, 2018, 02:19:37 PM

I do not get how to transfer from the wallet to southexchange...
When I get to I enter the following information :
Transfer of : My login
Transfer to : Wallet hash
Recipient login/hash : SouthExchange wallet address
The I click "Verify", it says "Data validated successfully, hold up!"
But two more fields have appeared :
What does this mean? Damn, this is overly complicated!

I'm using direclty southxchange's wallet to mine and it's working Wink

Great idea  Smiley
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March 03, 2018, 02:21:58 PM

its just not worth it anymore, with 6x gpu about 1-2 coins per hour
3 hours with a GTX 1070 gave me exactly 3 coins. 8 hours * 3 coins * 0.00001100 BTC = 0.000264 BTC = $2.90 per card per day
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March 03, 2018, 02:29:54 PM

its just not worth it anymore, with 6x gpu about 1-2 coins per hour
3 hours with a GTX 1070 gave me exactly 3 coins. 8 hours * 3 coins * 0.00001100 BTC = 0.000264 BTC = $2.90 per card per day

Bчepa былa дpyгaя цeнa)))
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March 03, 2018, 02:50:50 PM

its just not worth it anymore, with 6x gpu about 1-2 coins per hour
3 hours with a GTX 1070 gave me exactly 3 coins. 8 hours * 3 coins * 0.00001100 BTC = 0.000264 BTC = $2.90 per card per day

Bчepa былa дpyгaя цeнa)))

cyka blyat vodka putin

I don't speak Russian, but even though I understand you, this doesn't mean that everyone does. This is an English forum and you have to speak English.
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March 03, 2018, 03:42:49 PM

why difficulty jumped so high at once?
between blocks 254013 and 254016
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March 03, 2018, 04:22:48 PM

why difficulty jumped so high at once?
between blocks 254013 and 254016

The devs could change it to prevent miners from dumping the price to 0. Smart move but they should have done it yesterday.
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March 03, 2018, 04:30:00 PM

The devs could change it to prevent miners from dumping the price to 0. Smart move but they should have done it yesterday.
but last changes on git are 4 months old
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