Windows 10/64bit sees all my GPU's works fine with minergate and nice hash but claymore (mining only ETH at the moment) locks up when i have all GPU's plugged in when i unplug 4 of my RX580's and fire up claymore v10.0 it works fine sees 3 amd rx580's and 6 1080ti's nvidia its not my riser cards and i have plenty of power using Asssssrock H110 BTC MOBO 16gb ram intel i7 512gb m.2 HD Windows 10 for 16,000 mb of virtual memory anyone know whats going on here could use some help i'm sure it's a simple fix most likely with my .bat file this is what i have for start up and it works fine except i can't use 4 of my rx580 for max HASHing power im stumped on this one.
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal 0x710dafaa7e7c78f845bca7804b945300c49d5953.MainRigAMD/ -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10
im open to any tips and tricks suggestions other ming pools other coins to mine anything or websites / videos to better my understanding of how claymore works and other software thats useful to mining.
Thanks for the help.