Miner loses connection with this pool every hour, then reconnects in 10-15 seconds. Both rigs are doing this consistently. This doesnt happen on other pools.
Translated from official bsod Telegram channel:
Stratum is restarted for this reasons:
1: Broken yiimp stratum, it is very bugged and our development team is working of fixing it with some success, I'm thinking we can deploy the fix by the end of this week.
2: Broken coin daemons! They are the reason stratum gets bugged and we are trying to find a connection.
And the most important why the restart is needed:
For unknown (yet) reasons stratum FORGETS a part of hashrate it's working with so having 100Gh only using 70Gh resulting in lost shares for miners.
Now the question what's worse: losing shares for 40 minutes or 2 sec restart?
From me: adding parameter -R 5 to your miner will help it reconnect faster (5 seconds retry-pause).