I think users should have a profile of "which coins they wish to mine", per user.
If the pool is moving to another coin, one that you don't want to participate in... it simply moves you to the coin you do want, from your list, which has the highest value. (Port forwarding by user.)
That helps two-fold. One, it helps stop us from collecting coins we don't want to be "stuck" with. Also, it helps reduce some of the "shock" that drives coins way below value, by difficulty-ramping, because those who didn't want that coin are not forced there. While those who are there, if there are less, get longer reward-times. (Because the diff remains lower longer, and gives the system time to exit before the coin-value is driven down below mining-value.)
Avoiding high profile coins helps also. (Coins that you just don't mine fast enough to get a reward from, in the short time you are there.) Thus, mining for an hour on a coin that does not reward a block for HOURS... when you could have been mining that hour on a block with slightly less value, and gotten 1-10 blocks. Thus, 0% gain on the slow-block which would have been 135% reward, "IF you found a block", as opposed to the more guaranteed gain of 130% on the slightly faster, but lower valued block.
Again. In the end, you are mining NOW for a value that will never be "realized" NOW. Because it takes time to get the coin, and by the time you earn the coin, the value is LOW... because you just drove the diff up to the point where less people mine it, and you mined based off "the value at the time of mining", not the "potential future value". (Eg, if the value is dropping, the future value will be LESS than the NOW value. If the value is rising, the future value MAY be more, by the time you actually earn the coin. But you assume value NOW = future-value, just to be on the moderately safe side.)
Translation, as miners, trade-value NOW is useless, unless you are a trader, trading holdings NOW. That has nothing to do with mining.
For mining, you care about the "Difficulty level NOW" compared to historic difficulty. (Is it easy to MINE.) Also the "potential future value", compared to historic value, based on the "time it takes you to EARN a coin that can be CASHED-IN for that value". (Is the future value dropping, thus, mining it now will result in less earnings, or is it rising, and thus, "Good to mine at this below-normal/average difficulty"?)
Coins with "low constant miners", are low, partly because the diffs are being driven-up, beyond them to mine it constantly. (This is a flaw of the coin-system, not the situation.)
In any event, mining any coin that is NOT the "top hopper coin", of the moment, is the best way to get the most valuable reward for your time and effort. Mining a coin with a high value that is going to drop... and an already high difficulty that is going to get higher once you start mining it, is NOT profitable. Even if the NOW price/value is high, on the charts. Not to mention these charts are all delayed and inaccurate.
Personally, I believe there are a lot of better ways to mine all of these coins, other than hopping, that does not impede the growth and reduce rewards. However, until they separate the "Traders value" from the "Miners value", you will all continue to be mislead and that just leaves more for those of us who actually know how to mine for value that actually exists. Not estimates of estimates of estimates of fantasy-times, based off earnings that have not been earned yet, on values that won't exist by the time you actually cash-out. The more you loose, the more we get cheap from you.
Additionally, I would rather see more of the "valued coins" listed, for hopping, and the coins of lower hash-rates listed for constant mining. (Manual hopping, as opposed to automated. Thus, less drastic of an impact.)
If a coin has a constant hash-rate equal to the "hopping-pool hash-rate", that is a good coin to hop with. If it is like MNC, which now only has a constant hash-rate of around 12K, thanks to hoppers that made it a waste of time to mine constantly... (It was over 100K a month ago, and 200K before that.) The result of throwing 400K at the 12K miners, will eventually drive that down to 0K. Though, I suspect the 12K is the few nodes that still exist, and those mining to get "statistic data" to feed the charts. The illusion of value to hop on-to, is created by the existence of hoppers on that coin. The "value" is not there, when you all split the 20 coins you actually mine in those few seconds you mine it, by 400+ miners. Yay, you earned a penny at the rate of 1.2 pennies, or 2.1 pennies... The point is, you could have made a dollar at the $1.20 rate, and made 100x more.
Don't forget, cashing them in lowers the value... Thus degrading your future-reward. Holding them, nullifies any perceived NOW value... Thus mining off NOW value is completely irrelevant.
This is not like money in a bank. When you hold money in a bank, the bank spends your money, loaning it out to others who are spending it, to boost the economy. Holding coins, and selling short, is like stuffing cash under your mattress... It only delays the losses to a future date, unless you mine off future value, and mine for quantity, by mining those coins with lower-than-average difficulties.
P.S. I still think, and always will think... that Multipool is the best pool, and potential for value. If you have the time to mine and hop manually. Avoiding the pools that the multi-port is mining, and has helped to drive value down on. (Helped... as this is NOT the ONLY hopping tool, but it is one of the largest hash-rates hopping on a limited range of over-mined coins. Call it a love-hate relationship.
Mostly love, for all the wrong reasons!)