I want to make my first ICO TOKEN SALE
I got registered to deepbrain and got a proof Email with a contract adress looks like
The smart contract address is: 0xbcgtzhbbc5fe3738392a76cb0GDSA347294cf
My question:
Is this the adress I can enter at the Neo Wallet in the AREA Participate to Token Sale - where the point
Or do i get another info before the countdown ends
https://www.deepbrainchain.org/pc/tokenSaleEnglish.htmlI really dont want to make a mistake and I am not sure if I have to do the step now or when the countdown ends
Did someone do a Token Sale with NEO before ?
The Text in the email is for my english a little bit tricky
Due to the reason that the timestamps in smart contracts must be deterministic,in the
Crowd-funding contract,the timestamps "now" defines like this:
uint now = Blockchain.GetHeader(Blockchain.GetHeight()).Timestamp;
it means that the "now" get the previous blockchain block timestamp and each block's
time interval is about 30-60 seconds,so if users pushed the participate button exactly on
the time we have set before(for example,13:00 GMT),there is possibility that the time
"now" is 12:59:50 GMT because "now" gets the previous block timestamp.if it
happens,the uesers investment may lost out.
Does this mean I have to do the steps in my NEO Wallet when the countdown ends and otherwise my NEOs get lost RIGHT
So I have to wait till the countdown ends and then enter the Token sale with my wallet adress?
Can someone follow me ... :-(