Sr. Member
Activity: 2240
Merit: 270
February 24, 2018, 09:23:19 PM |
I can recommend SyncFabs MFG token. It's not super hype project, but has a great team and idea. So this could be a great long-term investment. Soft cap of the sale is almost reached! Make your own research. https://blockchain.syncfab.com/I am struggling to understand why it is taking so long to reach the soft cap, let alone the hardcap before the ICO period ends.
Full Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 112
Ecosystem for Fundraising DAOs — ICOs 2.0
February 24, 2018, 09:25:50 PM |
I see the big potential in projects where AI can make a real difference like Savedroid, Daneel, Effect.ai, Invacio.

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
February 24, 2018, 09:48:37 PM |
Tell me your favourite ongoing/upcoming ICOs. These sites like ICObench overwhelm me, there are to many.
Also give some reasons why. Yeah I know this is the lazy way, but who cares right. Just looking for a top5 and research them see if any are worth getting into.
My favourite ongoing ICO is DIW because its function is to secure the storage of sensitive information such as passwords, identification documentation, bank accounts and credit card information. I know that most of us wants to secure all our accounts in order not to lose a single penny or even the information. However, if you are a gamer who used to play with peers and familly members, I'll suggest Triforce ICO.
February 24, 2018, 09:56:07 PM |
No doubt my favorite ICO is MTC https://marineco.in/ico. Marinecoin is the first self-sustaining crypto-currency that have already taken their place in the trade market. They are also doing a big airdrop for 450.000 MTC Free ICO. They are truly decentralized. Need more info? Join https://t.me/MarinecoinMTC

Activity: 266
Merit: 13
February 24, 2018, 10:16:12 PM |
My favorite ICO was BETRbetting. They got lots of stuffs for a new betting project. Betrbetting was one of the most promising whitepaper I've ever read and they finished the ICO successfully.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 24, 2018, 11:15:04 PM |
You should check MediChain (as in my signature). Experienced team keen to revolutionize the healthcare industry with blockchain adoption Presale is ongoing now ( https://medichain.online/) i love MediChain <3
Activity: 66
Merit: 0
February 25, 2018, 02:51:36 AM |
Not so long ago I saw the VLB project and read their whiptepper. I was interested in the fact that IBM is consulting them and QIWI Blockchain Technologies are involved. I also heard that they are starting ICO for the second time now, and with the first time they did something wrong and they gave the money back. Did anyone hear anything about this?
February 25, 2018, 03:03:26 AM |
Tell me your favourite ongoing/upcoming ICOs. These sites like ICObench overwhelm me, there are to many.
Also give some reasons why. Yeah I know this is the lazy way, but who cares right. Just looking for a top5 and research them see if any are worth getting into.
ico's ongoing favorites are stopthefake.io they create ico which helps us judge whether the ICO is fake or not for me it is very important and very useful in for potential investors.
February 25, 2018, 03:18:37 AM |
I suggest you examine Vestarin. The project is very nice and has potential. During the Pre-ico period, they have collected 3000 ETH so far. Also the pre-ico ends after 3 days.
I support your opinion - I studied their technical document, it is a very worthy project, very interesting concept. And I propose to pay attention to the company in my signature, I think these guys have a great future and all investments in this project will be multiplied well. You may be right. It is really nice to see renewable energy projects and I follow most of them closely. We really need such projects for a better future.
February 25, 2018, 03:19:04 AM |
My personal upcoming ICO is cardstack. Although I am promoting them which is because I believe in the project and the team. Cardstack is a unifying layer for decentralized applications
February 25, 2018, 03:39:07 AM |
Tell me your favourite ongoing/upcoming ICOs. These sites like ICObench overwhelm me, there are to many.
Also give some reasons why. Yeah I know this is the lazy way, but who cares right. Just looking for a top5 and research them see if any are worth getting into.
Let us be real, you cannot get very objective suggestions here. The best that you have to do is to research more on the ICOs that are being promoted here. So let me have my suggestion also. Apparently, I will give you the best ICO for now as far as my assessment is concerned. Altair VR has been doing their business way before they decided to incorporate their expertise with the new blockchain technology. For at least seven years, they have already provided good knowledge and information to at least half a million children. Altair has already proven something as a VR encyclopedia.
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February 25, 2018, 07:44:10 AM |
My favourite ongoing ICO is the one I am running the signature campaign now: https://web.enlte.com One of the best bounty campaigns you can think of. There are lots of interesting aspects of the campaign that i so love. They have an android wallet which you can download on your phone and you are paid for that. The wallet is mineable, that's it mine more coins for you everyday to your wallet. You can also do the following campaigns: facebook, twitter,telegram, blog/article and translation campaigns and earn tokens at the end of the ICO.
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1009
Next-Gen Trade Racing Metaverse
February 25, 2018, 08:35:19 AM |
Personally, it's CrowdGenie for me. Blockchain tech is downright applicable to p2p lending, yet it hasn't been realized. Powered by an already working platform, CrowdGenie has the potential to be big in this p2p SME-lending industry.
February 25, 2018, 08:54:53 AM |
At the moment I like the project KYC.Legal. This project already has a finished product. There is a strong team and advisers. Great idea to create an online identity card. Due to this, you do not have to constantly verify your identity. And this project has no competitors.
February 25, 2018, 09:01:10 AM |
At the moment I like the project KYC.Legal. This project already has a finished product. There is a strong team and advisers. Great idea to create an online identity card. Due to this, you do not have to constantly verify your identity. And this project has no competitors.
Thank you for info about this project. I though you said about project that request do KYC as well. For now I should only invest in project that do by legal way with KYC step by thirtparty company in this industry. and a working or MVP products.

Activity: 294
Merit: 15
February 25, 2018, 11:10:06 AM |
Vionex and Paypro . Not invested so much but they have excellent team and idea

Activity: 336
Merit: 14
February 25, 2018, 11:28:34 AM |
Register https://www.gifcoin.io/?r=5241 in the project and get bonuses. The project has a very great perspective.The project already has a working site. You will receive 80% of profit for the year!

Activity: 532
Merit: 14
February 25, 2018, 11:36:30 AM |
Mine is Debitum Network. They do marketing very well and has a outstanding project. ICO finishes in 12 hours and they are just about to reach hard cap!

Activity: 192
Merit: 11
February 25, 2018, 01:10:00 PM |
I think the ico of my signature task is a very good project!
Current can bring the media to the same ecosystem, bringing western content to the east and bringing eastern content to the west. This is a great project.
Leona Lewis
Jr. Member
Activity: 181
Merit: 5
Token That Will Transform The Venture Capital Mark
February 25, 2018, 01:19:25 PM |
My favorite ICO is EQUI ICO( https://www.equi.capital). If you have $100k+ you can try to invest into it  . Founders are Douglas Alan Barrowman and Michelle Mone. You can read about them to make a decision.
▂▂▂▂▂ E Q U I ▂▂▂▂▂ Transforming Venture Capital