Hello. Have a 10 card rig setup with AwesomeMiner and I simply just want to mine JUST ZenCash at MPH.
I created a "managed miner" and put in us-east.equihash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20594 for the pool and my username.workername I setup under "Hub Workers" which was setup for just ZenCash. I also put my ZenCash wallet in the settings. I set the miner to be EWBF, CCMINER, Excavator, and DSTM for nVidia. All of these programs work for a second and then close out with no error seen.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
MPH>Hub Workers> Worker Login>[accountname.][workername]> Worker Password [ x ] (use this as MPH doesn't really use it. Later you can also add other variables here like difficulty i.e. d=14500) >Job [Zencash] >Save
MPH> Auto Exchange> Exchange Availability and Settings> Turn OFF Zencash >Update Settings (unless you really did want to auto-exchange ZEN for something else)
MPH>ZenCash Pool>Wallet> You know what to do here...
AM>Main>Options>Pools>Add>Description [MPH ZenCash is what I used]>Server URL>[us-east.equihash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20594]>Worker name>[mph account name].[mph worker name] (period in between)>password [ x ]>optional settings>coin>Zencash(ZEN)>Ok>Ok
AM>New Managed Miner>Description [I used Single Coin Equihash EWBF]>host [local]>Algorithm [Equihash]>Software [EWBF CUDA Zcash Miner] Choose your Pool we just created for the mining pool.
That's it. Only EWBF works for me. None of the other included packages.
If you are still having trouble reboot your computer. This kills all processes that might be running. Good luck!
edit: Oh choose new Managed Miner. Not Profit Switching Miner. Profit switching profiles are only for profit switching miners. So when you say "I set the miner to be EWBF, CCMINER, Excavator, and DSTM for nVidia." it makes me think you are not setting up just a regular managed miner. Because you can only choose one algo with the regular managed miner.
Confusing at first, huh?