Changes in YesPoWer version 0.9 is not only a requirement for RAM.
1. Now we use 96 KiB S-boxes instead of 128 KiB (and both -
in total). The number of S-boxes increased from 2 to 3, in the same way as in
yescrypt 1.0. This made it possible to eliminate the drop in speed at
two-socket servers.
2. The number of records in the S-box'y doubled.
3. Entries in S-boxes are distributed so that the need for speculative
implementation and possible re-execution, or in a preliminary
verification, arose 8 times more often than before. (On the CPU this is implemented
hardware, and with parallel implementation on the GPU will be required
additional instructions)
4. The use of Salsa20 and
SHA-256 (which almost did not give anything to protect from the GPU, but needed for
guarantee of cryptographic properties of the whole scheme as a whole).
5. The implementation uses a different approach for combining the two versions
algorithm, with the specialization code separately for each. (Outside this is not
noticeably, the API remained the same.)