Hello Bitcoiners! I just started learning about
BTC and mining after reading last week on Google News about the PPT guy. Also saw a post about mining in MaxPC this month. Seems I'm late to the party but I've already made my first hundredth of a
BTC (0.01) by mining. First day, GUIMiner (first couple days actually) then I found that CGMiner was a lot faster, and today I'm giving BFGMiner a try. I've already done a pool jump (after said first 0.01
BTC) and I've ordered a few ASICMiner USB Block Eruptors. Guess that first dollar really got my *gold rush* blood pumping.
Currently watching the 8-bit cookie monster bites around the browser. I already have a 7970 that I bought for gaming - any tips on keeping it cool? Both CGMiner and BFGMiner push the card hard and it's been running around 80 - 82C while I'm watching it. I can only guess what temps it reaches while I'm at work and the A/C is off.