And this is why you should never buy this type of bonds above their buy-back value. You never know when one of these operators is going to "cleanly" shut down and screw you out of your money.
Nobody got screwed out of any money. Emails were sent telling people NOT to buy above the recall price and the same was posted in the Updates tab on the site. TAT clearly said they had the right to a full recall at any time. The XBOND investment by TAT was one of the BEST BTC investments out there for openness & stability. If you bought for a higher price, then you did it at your OWN risk!!
I sold a vast majority of my XBOND's back at the 1:1 buyback price and then the recall occurred shortly after. As an investor, that was my choice, I could have got a bit more had I waited. TAT clearly outlined everything to all investors. As an investor you need to read and understand all documentation.
TAT in my opinion is trustworthy, reputable and open and I will be the first to buy any type of future XBOND type investment from TAT should one be offered in the future.
The best of luck to TAT on their future plans and offerings.