gotminer (OP)

Activity: 644
Merit: 24
January 07, 2018, 11:45:25 PM |
So earlier today I noticed that one of the gpu's in a 6 card 1070ti rig wasn't hashing. I checked device manager in Windows 10 and it showed a Code 43 error. I identified the problem gpu and started searching around online for soluctions. Found a number of things ranging from a simiple restart to removing and reinstall the video drivers. I did pretty much everything I could think of ...
Disabled and Re-enabled in device manager, uninstalled the gpu in device manager, I attempted to reboot in safe mode to use ddu, but my system would hang every time I tried to do that. (I later realized that I could get into safe mode just fine when I tried to do it with the gpu's unplugged) At that point, I tried reverting back to a previous restore point, which failed several times. So then I decided I would write my base Win10 image to the drive. It's a pain, but not that big of a deal, since I made an image of every mining rig hdd after installing the OS and tweaking things exactly the way I wanted them, but prior to installing any gpu's. At this point from what I was reading, I thought maybe it was a driver issue. Tried different Nvidia drivers, nothing was working.
Still had the same Code 43 error in device manager on that one card. I had swapped the riser earlier in the troubleshooting process with another in the same rig and I started thinking maybe I had a bad gpu. So I have another 6 card gpu rig with identical hardware ... Board, processor, ram, gpu's are all the same. I put the gpu into my other rig and it worked just fine.
So back to my problem rig ... I put the known good working gpu from the other rig into the problem rig and I was right back to the Code 43 error. Tried a brand new riser with new usb and power cable, same issue ... One thing I had not checked was the power from the card to the psu. Earlier in the day I just assumed that it was getting power, if it was showing up in device manager. So I check ... the cable pops right out of the psu when I moved it. When I built the rig a few weeks ago, it must not have snapped in the cable on the psu end. With the way everything is positioned in my rig frame, it is very hard to see what's what when you're looking at the cables plugged into the psu's. Actually had to shine a flash light in there and still had a hard time seeing it.
So after 6 hours of troubleshooting it ended up being one cable that had come unplugged from the psu. I'm guessing the power from the riser was enough to get the gpu to show up in device manager and for some reason, that never occurred to me until I was 6 hours into it.
What a fun day.
Ok, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk assessors to fuck off! -Mark Baum
January 07, 2018, 11:49:51 PM |
That miner life! I feel your pain man. But guess what, bet you'll never have that problem again!  I remember my old IT guy would always ask my guys when they had computer issues "Is the cord plugged in all the way? Ok, unplug it from both ends, then plug it back in." would be his first question. It was funny to us but I guess it's a real problem lol.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
January 08, 2018, 12:09:48 AM |
Haha..  Yes often it's just the simplest things that get overlooked that create the biggest problems! BTW.. Good thing it didn't short circuit anything being half connected like that. Could have been a lot worse!  As you said.. Lesson learned.
Sr. Member
Activity: 2142
Merit: 353
Xtreme Monster
January 08, 2018, 12:16:29 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
BTC Address: 1DH4ok85VdFAe47fSVXNVctxkFhUv4ujbR
gotminer (OP)

Activity: 644
Merit: 24
January 08, 2018, 01:10:40 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
Hopefully they will. Loving (almost) every minute of this.
Ok, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk assessors to fuck off! -Mark Baum
January 08, 2018, 01:12:21 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
Just keep bumping the thread up 
gotminer (OP)

Activity: 644
Merit: 24
January 08, 2018, 01:33:48 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
Just keep bumping the thread up  Make it a sticky.
Ok, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk assessors to fuck off! -Mark Baum
January 08, 2018, 02:17:34 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
Just keep bumping the thread up  Make it a sticky. Are there even any stickys on this forum? Do they even have mods here? lol 
gotminer (OP)

Activity: 644
Merit: 24
January 08, 2018, 02:44:03 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
Just keep bumping the thread up  Make it a sticky. Are there even any stickys on this forum? Do they even have mods here? lol  If there are, they are not offended by legitimate profanity.
Ok, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk assessors to fuck off! -Mark Baum
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
January 08, 2018, 02:47:21 AM |
I made the same mistake but with one of the +2 pins in the 6+2 for PCI-e power, it had slid out just slightly after tidying up my cables. Took me hours to figure it out.

Activity: 266
Merit: 13
January 08, 2018, 02:51:52 AM |
So earlier today I noticed that one of the gpu's in a 6 card 1070ti rig wasn't hashing. I checked device manager in Windows 10 and it showed a Code 43 error. I identified the problem gpu and started searching around online for soluctions. Found a number of things ranging from a simiple restart to removing and reinstall the video drivers. I did pretty much everything I could think of ...
Disabled and Re-enabled in device manager, uninstalled the gpu in device manager, I attempted to reboot in safe mode to use ddu, but my system would hang every time I tried to do that. (I later realized that I could get into safe mode just fine when I tried to do it with the gpu's unplugged) At that point, I tried reverting back to a previous restore point, which failed several times. So then I decided I would write my base Win10 image to the drive. It's a pain, but not that big of a deal, since I made an image of every mining rig hdd after installing the OS and tweaking things exactly the way I wanted them, but prior to installing any gpu's. At this point from what I was reading, I thought maybe it was a driver issue. Tried different Nvidia drivers, nothing was working.
Still had the same Code 43 error in device manager on that one card. I had swapped the riser earlier in the troubleshooting process with another in the same rig and I started thinking maybe I had a bad gpu. So I have another 6 card gpu rig with identical hardware ... Board, processor, ram, gpu's are all the same. I put the gpu into my other rig and it worked just fine.
So back to my problem rig ... I put the known good working gpu from the other rig into the problem rig and I was right back to the Code 43 error. Tried a brand new riser with new usb and power cable, same issue ... One thing I had not checked was the power from the card to the psu. Earlier in the day I just assumed that it was getting power, if it was showing up in device manager. So I check ... the cable pops right out of the psu when I moved it. When I built the rig a few weeks ago, it must not have snapped in the cable on the psu end. With the way everything is positioned in my rig frame, it is very hard to see what's what when you're looking at the cables plugged into the psu's. Actually had to shine a flash light in there and still had a hard time seeing it.
So after 6 hours of troubleshooting it ended up being one cable that had come unplugged from the psu. I'm guessing the power from the riser was enough to get the gpu to show up in device manager and for some reason, that never occurred to me until I was 6 hours into it.
What a fun day.
Dam. I didn’t even follow half that. Lol
January 08, 2018, 03:01:47 AM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
wow bro, you are so anti-mining... 
January 08, 2018, 04:03:41 AM |
I've had this problem too. 8 GPU rig kept crashing a couple x per day. Ended up being 1 VGA cable that wasn't pushed in all the way into the PSU. As in, it looked like it was plugged in fully and flush, but not the point where it clicked/locked into place. Click-it in, problem solved, been stable ever since.
January 08, 2018, 04:08:13 AM |
Why would a VGA (video) cable be plugged into the power supply?
January 08, 2018, 04:29:06 AM |
I figured the context would have sufficed and I didn't label it as a (video) cable, you did. Here, let me elaborate for you in the off-chance you're being serious: Ended up being a proprietary 8-pin VGA power cable that wasn't pushed in all the way into the PSU (power supply unit).

Activity: 140
Merit: 17
January 08, 2018, 06:56:35 AM |
Love/Hate relationship with my rigs. When they behave they are so beautiful, you almost forget all the pain they cause. s/rigs/kids 
January 08, 2018, 11:46:14 AM |
If you had said a PCI power cable plugged into the power supply, that would make sense. But you didn't say PCI, you said VGA.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 08, 2018, 12:49:08 PM |
I feel your pain bro had a similar problem with a cougar PSU 1 card showed the same error and after countless hours it was a faulty psu socket
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
January 08, 2018, 02:10:21 PM |
I had a similar problem and followed a similar path while troubleshooting. The problem was the PSU power cable had two risers on it, I gave each GPU its own cable and everything was fine. How simple was that?
Activity: 4396
Merit: 9432
'The right to privacy matters'
January 08, 2018, 02:21:19 PM |
And everyday noobs come here on the mining section saying they will invest thousands of dollars into mining, idiots. I hope they see your thread and forget mining, mining is a waste of time and there are far too many problems to deal with.
wow bro, you are so anti-mining...  Maybe he is kidding. As I mine with 16 rigs and 65 gpus - Not kidding