I have been working on a web-based BitCoin Trading Bot platform that allows anyone to own their own BitCoin trading bot. This allows the ability to monitor and configure the Bot from any web browser. I have an active web-based proof of concept
I am roughly two weeks away from alpha testing the website, and am starting to think about trying to see if there are a few people that might be interested in doing some closed alpha-testing. Each alpha tester will be set up with a test account, and will have an opportunity to do closed beta testing with live Bitstamp accounts. I will nominally fund those accounts. Once the site goes live, beta testers will receive 1 free bot instance, and I will turn the testing account over to them.
If interested, message me here. If questions, please post here.
Features, faqs, and bot code download (stand-alone version) can all be found at the link above, or the link in my signature.