pinpins (OP)
ZERGPOOL.COMWell known multialgo, multicoin, autoexchange coin, 0.5% fee AnnouncementWelcome to mining pool There are plenty of different features included like solo/party mining, auto exchange to different coins, personalized payment schedule, configurable web gui, APIs, anycast network around globe. As well as prompt support via different channels. Detailed features description- Autoexchange to any coin we mine at pool
- Stratum endpoints in Japan, Singapore, London, Virginia, Texas-Dallas, Amsterdam, Miami, California, Los-Angeles
- Anycast network - you use one URL, and optimal network is selected automatically based on your location
- Guaranteed payouts to BTC, LTC, DASH, BCH, DOGE, ETH currencies
- Payouts in any currency we mine, but please watch pool mines enough blocks of desired coin
- More than 250 coins
- More than 70 algorithms
- Profit switching or target/specific coin mining
- 0.5% fee
- Frequent payouts for balance above 0.0025 BTC, above 0.15 LTC
- Personalized payout balance levels
- Solo and Party mode for mining
- Mining command line generator
- Merged mining extra reward benefits
- Configurable Web interface for better monitoring
- Support of old ASIC hardware with lower difficulties(read section Difficulty configuration on front page)
- Supported by many popular of crypto software and services - Awesome Miner, NPlusMiner, MinerStat, Google and IoS monitoring apps and more.
- You can mine in 3 options:
Option 1: mine in particular algo and let pool to pick most profitble coin, having payout in any address Option 2: mine particular coin and get payed to that coin address Option 3: mine particular coin and get payed to any address Detailes instructions for different options
Option 1 - Mine in particular algorithm This will let pool to mine most profitable coin in this algo or use merged mining benefits, and auto exchange rewards to your coin wallet. You should use coin wallet address as username. Use c=SYMBOL in password to make sure payout wallet coin is identified correctly. Example to mine in Scrypt algorithm and get payout in BTC
ccminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1BhezbVfupFBSfRixXDhkr4npHWb7NDLkA -p c=BTC Coins identified with (no autotrade) will not participate in algo mining
Option 2 - Mine particular coin Use your coin wallet address as username in mining software. Specify c=SYMBOL as password to idenfify payout wallet coin, and the same coin in mc=SYMBOL to specify mining coin Example to mine Guncoin and get payout in Guncoinccminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://[PORT] -u <YOUR_GUNCOIN_WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=GUN,mc=GUN Option 3 - Mine particular coin with auto exchange to your wallet address This will mine coin you specified in password field only and autoexchange it to your wallet currency for payout. Use c=SYMBOL in password to make sure payout wallet coin is identified correctly. Use mc=SYMBOL to target particular coin for mining Example to mine in Innova coin and get payout in LTCccminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://[PORT] -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mc=INN Please note some coins are not listed on exchanges we support, and will not be autotraded. Such coins are identified with (no autotrade) Don't use this option for mine such coins - and use Option 2 to directly mine to coin wallet or Option 1 to choose any tradeable coin available
Support channelsBitcointTalk Twitter - -
pinpins (OP)
January 15, 2018, 09:56:04 PM |
Added quick getting started instructions to kick off mining using Windows. Thanks to SniffDog!
pinpins (OP)
January 16, 2018, 07:45:40 AM |
New coins - TuneCoin, OnexCoin, GoaCoin in neoscrypt added.
Will be looking to add auto-exchange support for them soon.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 10:20:09 AM |
How long 0% fee will be applied?
Do you have some advantage before NiceHash?
""Option 1 - Mine in particular algorithm(Recommended) This will let pool to mine most profitable coin in this algo or use merged mining benefits, and auto exchange rewards to BTC. You should use BTC wallet address as username. Example to mine in scrypt algorithm and get payout in BTC -o stratum+tcp:// -u <YOUR_BTC_ADDRESS>
Coins identified with (no autotrade) will not participate in algo mining""
pinpins (OP)
January 16, 2018, 10:56:15 AM |
Plan to keep 0% forever. So there should not be worries about this going forward.
Well, nicehash is buying haspower and re-selling it. So there is a margin they make. By mining in we may face only withdrawal fees out of exchange wallets. Other than that - it must be most of earning, comparing to other pools and services.
If you will mine coin directly to that coin wallet - then it is 100% of your earnings.
pinpins (OP)
January 16, 2018, 11:05:35 AM |
1. Added quick Get Started with Sniffdogminer 2. As we don't have many miners yet, I suggest to start with zergpool_light.bat in Sniffdog package available to secure we all mine on simple coins first and get some turnover. 3. I think most focus should go neoscrypt, xevan algorithms 4. We need you miners to make some difference here!
Thank you and have a nice day
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 04:12:27 PM |
Added 9.2 Mh/s of hashing power to Neoscrypt to test it out...
pinpins (OP)
January 16, 2018, 04:41:59 PM |
Added 9.2 Mh/s of hashing power to Neoscrypt to test it out...
Thanks, I have disabled some high difficulty coins, so we manage to get some turnover, and when more will join, I will enable them for mining.
pinpins (OP)
January 16, 2018, 06:45:05 PM |
Thank you the ones already joined. Appreciating, hope we can mine more coins together.
IMPROVEMENT: Pool will disable coins for mining, when it takes more than 2 estimated hours to find a block. So we don't spend our hashpower to difficult coins, and those will be enabled only once we get this enough hashpower at a pool.
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 07:10:25 PM |
Only supporting BTC for autoexchange or? Would love autoexchange into like etherium or litecoin instead  cheaper and faster transfers 
pinpins (OP)
January 16, 2018, 08:31:57 PM |
Thank you for suggestion. I think, I will look into LTC payouts first. The only issue could be that there are not that many trading pair with different coins as there are for BTC. At least not for new coins pushed to markets.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 09:59:39 PM |
Wau sniffdogminer for nvidia is amazing, just trying it out! Yes please look into different payout please BTC has ridiculous high fees , that would be really the winner, i would take any crypto with low fees  its easy to exchange Thank you for suggestion. I think, I will look into LTC payouts first. The only issue could be that there are not that many trading pair with different coins as there are for BTC. At least not for new coins pushed to markets.
pinpins (OP)
January 17, 2018, 06:02:55 PM Last edit: January 17, 2018, 06:23:49 PM by pinpins |
Dear miners, as we just started it is important you stay as long as you can until we find blocks, so you gain max from your hash contribution. And get some decent profit.
It is also better to use Option 2 or Option 3, directly targeting low difficulty coins currently
Meanwhile I am investigating approach for LTC payouts
Happy mining and Thank you
January 17, 2018, 06:13:56 PM Last edit: January 17, 2018, 07:44:58 PM by Fromage |
I will add you to SniffDog for next release when you get all the bugs out. Good luck and Happy Mining! 
pinpins (OP)
January 17, 2018, 09:19:36 PM |
I will add you to SniffDog for next release when you get all the bugs out. Good luck and Happy Mining!  Fromage, I am still considered as newbie, so you do not get my PMs. Posting here instead You won't believe but interzoned validateaddress 1Ju9vrScBNZg4nwnzSXWjpoN4qeXLJQjz { "isvalid" : true, "address" : "1Ju9vrScBNZg4nwnzSXWjpoN4qeXLJQjz", "ismine" : false } Seems a bug in interzoned, but I will work around it by getting bitcoin in priority.

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
January 18, 2018, 10:27:45 AM |
I expect payment of iriscoin 0.01 money from yesterday as never unpaid?
Activity: 60
Merit: 0
January 18, 2018, 12:01:47 PM |
Do you allow auto-trading of goa to btc?
pinpins (OP)
January 18, 2018, 07:26:50 PM |
I expect payment of iriscoin 0.01 money from yesterday as never unpaid?
Hi, sorry, but we didn't manage to find any block yet on Irishcoin. We should continue mining to get some
pinpins (OP)
January 18, 2018, 07:28:54 PM |
Do you allow auto-trading of goa to btc?
I am working on auto-exchange for GOA and some more. And anyway if I will not manage get it tested, will convert it manually for you. Other way would be to mine directly to GOA wallet
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
January 18, 2018, 11:06:55 PM |
I'm attempting to mine Artic ARC and all im seeing is this.
Here is my command line for ccminer ccminer.exe -a x11 -d gtx1080ti -o stratum+tcp:// -u arc_address_here -p c=ARC
[2018-01-18 19:04:37] accepted: 0/205 (0.00%), 21.59 MH/s booooo [2018-01-18 19:04:37] reject reason: Invalid job id [2018-01-18 19:04:38] GPU #0: EVGA GTX 1080 Ti, 21.47 MH/s [2018-01-18 19:04:38] accepted: 0/206 (0.00%), 21.60 MH/s booooo [2018-01-18 19:04:38] reject reason: Invalid job id
What am I doing wrong?
I would have tried the sniffminer but wasn't sure if it worked with sending to anything but BTC address.