Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 16, 2018, 11:21:51 AM Last edit: January 22, 2018, 11:09:45 AM by Ratko1922 |
What is VooGlue? VooGlue is a platform which will use Smart Contracts based on the Ethereum Blockchain, allowing users to create, purchase and sell art. The platform is aiming to create an entire ecosystem, connecting users all over the world and allowing them to easily exchange both digital and physical artwork, with minimal fees (under 1%). Basically, the aim is to create one application that will cover the needs of art lovers and provide long-term benefits to the community.
ICO DetailsOur Token Sale will be held according to the following schedule: - Presale - January 19th to March 20th.
- Public Token Sale - March 21st to June 21st.
Initial price per VooGlueCoin - 500 VGC = 1 ETH.
VooGlue Ecosystem The VooGlue platform and the “VooGlue App” integrate an ecosystem of artists, galleries, museums, art lovers, investors, a digital fingerprint of a “wall hung artwork”, a digital media counterpart and an e-commerce product counterpart. The VooGlue App permanently connects the physical item (e.g. a painting) to a digital media counterpart (e.g. a video or augmented reality experience), a product counterpart (e.g. the artwork for sale), such that these elements become permanently connected counterparts, unique to the physical artwork and inseparable from the physical wall hung item. From a user’s perspective, the digital counterparts are accessed simply by pointing a mobile device at the physical artwork hanging on the wall.
Token Allocation
Social media
Activity: 616
Merit: 10
January 16, 2018, 12:01:00 PM |
What a kind of future on the Art Revolution, how does the blockchain works on this platform?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 12:12:21 PM |
How do you ensure the authenticity of art on the VooGlue platform, or is it just a matter of meaning?
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
January 16, 2018, 12:58:11 PM Last edit: January 22, 2018, 12:50:32 PM by admiralissimus |
Reserved for russian translation. OФИЦИAЛЬHЫЙ AHOHC
Чтo тaкoe VooGlue? VooGlue этo плaтфopмa, кoтopaя бyдeт иcпoльзoвaть вoзмoжнocти Cмapт Кoнтpaктoв нa бaзe Эфиpиyмa, чтo пoзвoляeт пoльзoвaтeлям coздaвaть, пoкyпaть и пpoдaвaть пpeдмeты иcкyccтвa. Плaтфopмa cтpeмитcя coздaть цeлyю экocиcтeмy, oбъeдиняя пoльзoвaтeлeй пo вceмy миpy и пoзвoляeт им лeгкo oбмeнивaтьcя кaк цифpoвыми, тaк и мaтepиaльными пpoизвeдeниями иcкyccтвa, c минимaльными кoмиccиями (мeнee 1%). B пpинципe, цeль cocтoит в тoм, чтoбы coздaть oднo пpилoжeниe, кoтopoe бyдeт oxвaтывaть пoтpeбнocти любитeлeй иcкyccтвa и oбecпeчить дoлгocpoчныe выгoды для oбщecтвa.
ICOПpoдaжa нaшиx тoкeнoв бyдeт пpoxoдить пo cлeдyющeмy гpaфикy: - Пpeдвapитeльнaя пpoдaжa - c 19 янвapя пo 20 мapтa.
- Пyбличнaя пpoдaжa тoкeнoв - c 21 мapтa пo 21 июня.
Haчaльнaя цeнa VooGlueCoin - 500 VGC = 1 ETH.
Экocиcтeмa VooGlue The VooGlue плaтфopмa и пpилoжeниe интeгpиpyютcя c экocиcтeмoй xyдoжникoв, гaлepeй, мyзeeв, любитeлeй иcкyccтвa, инвecтopoв, c цифpoвыми кoпиями мeдиaиндycтpии и элeктpoнными кoмepчиcкими кoпиями этиx пpoдyктoв. Пpилoжeниe VooGlue пpoизвoдит oбъeдинeниe peaльнoгo пpoизвeдeния иcкyccтвa (нaпpимep, кapтинa) c eгo цифpoвoй кoпиeй (нaпpимep, видeo или дoпoлнeннaя peaльнocть) или peпpoдyкциeй (нaпpимep, кapтины для пpoдaжи), тaким oбpaзoм, чтo cвязь мeждy peaльным пpoизвeдeниeм иcкyccтвa и eгo цифpoвoй кoпиeй cтaнoвитcя yникaльнoй и нepaзpывнoй. C тoчки зpeния пoльзoвaтeля, цифpoвыe кoпии пpoизвeдeний иcкyccтвa бyдyт дocтyпны в мoбильнoм пpилoжeнии, кaк бyдтo бы эти пpoизвeдeния иcкyccтвa виceли бы нa eгo cтeнe.
Pacпpeдeлeниe Toкeнoв
Mы в coциaльныx ceтяx:
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 16, 2018, 04:43:51 PM |
What a kind of future on the Art Revolution, how does the blockchain works on this platform?
It's a Blockchain-based platform, allowing trading of art with low fees and direct communication and collaboration of artists.
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 16, 2018, 04:47:52 PM |
Reserved for russian translation.
Please post in the Bounty topic, the rules are defined there.
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 16, 2018, 04:56:13 PM |
How do you ensure the authenticity of art on the VooGlue platform, or is it just a matter of meaning?
Each artwork will have its own digital footprint, and later on, individual cryptocurrencies will be created in association with the pieces of art, allowing anyone to own a piece of digital "Mona Liza". When it comes to selling and buying art on the platform, seller will have to provide documentation to prove artwork's originality or set up a meeting with a person interested to confirm the authenticity. Hope this answers your question.
Activity: 182
Merit: 11
January 16, 2018, 06:15:25 PM |
Hi everyone! Just added VooGlue ICO to my website https://concourseq.io/Q/VooGlue. ConcourseQ is a collaborative due diligence community that researches and reviews ICOs. Anyone with an account can submit information to your page, so we are reaching out to this community to get you all involved in the discussion. Thanks! PS: If you have any questions about filling in the info, feel free to ask us in our discord group: https://discord.gg/j8RBAwB
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 17, 2018, 08:12:14 AM |
Hi everyone! Just added VooGlue ICO to my website https://concourseq.io/Q/VooGlue. ConcourseQ is a collaborative due diligence community that researches and reviews ICOs. Anyone with an account can submit information to your page, so we are reaching out to this community to get you all involved in the discussion. Thanks! PS: If you have any questions about filling in the info, feel free to ask us in our discord group: https://discord.gg/j8RBAwBThank you very much, looking forward to it.
January 17, 2018, 08:44:57 AM |
this vooglue project is very good and interesting.i trust, this vooglue project will be success and attract many investor.good luck
January 17, 2018, 01:17:52 PM |
I believe this ANN was created when ETH was still around $1000 which makes each VCG token 2$, which makes the ICO quite pricey. Given the blood bath that is happening you may have to revisit your strategy.
Activity: 123
Merit: 0
January 17, 2018, 01:20:42 PM |
i will join this
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 17, 2018, 03:57:29 PM |
this vooglue project is very good and interesting.i trust, this vooglue project will be success and attract many investor.good luck
Thank you, glad to see you support us
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 17, 2018, 04:01:11 PM |
I believe this ANN was created when ETH was still around $1000 which makes each VCG token 2$, which makes the ICO quite pricey. Given the blood bath that is happening you may have to revisit your strategy.
We already have $500k in pledges for the presale, so we plan to keep everything the same. It's going to be alright.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
January 17, 2018, 04:05:06 PM |
Wao! All for Art. I'm thrilled. Should join this immediately.
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 18, 2018, 08:28:02 AM |
Wao! All for Art. I'm thrilled. Should join this immediately.
Thank you for the support, it means a lot to us.
January 20, 2018, 02:06:27 AM |
Wao! All for Art. I'm thrilled. Should join this immediately.
Thank you for the support, it means a lot to us. Nice and interesting projects should develop hopefully many do get a lot of support. may the project a success.
Activity: 280
Merit: 15
January 20, 2018, 11:48:45 AM |
The project that trades the art of smart contracts based on Blockchain is already there and experienced quite impressive success. the concept of the project is somewhat different but has the same purpose. I think the project about art is definitely a lot of people interested because with this art will be known to many people and can be obtained in a way that does not bother that makes this project very interesting to follow.
Jr. Member
Activity: 252
Merit: 1
January 20, 2018, 05:39:36 PM |
VooGlue is listed on CryptoStillsPresently at a Bronze podium position • Full project presentation • Full media linking • Continuous Twitter news updates • Moderated discussions
CryptoStills (http://cryptostills.com/)
Ratko1922 (OP)
Activity: 175
Merit: 15
General Director at MoonBounties.io
January 21, 2018, 08:44:23 AM |
The project that trades the art of smart contracts based on Blockchain is already there and experienced quite impressive success. the concept of the project is somewhat different but has the same purpose. I think the project about art is definitely a lot of people interested because with this art will be known to many people and can be obtained in a way that does not bother that makes this project very interesting to follow.
Thanks, we are doing our best to help the artworld.