Hey all,
First off our apologies for the delay. Up until this morning we were convinced the last report was done on Wednesday but we saw this morning that it was a Monday. Please take a look at the complete report cause it contains a lot more information.
Full report on ScribdThe numbersNAV Start 130,47425461
NAV End 108,73765862
Gross profits -21,73659599
Management fee 0,00000000
Dividends 0,00000000
Dividends/share 0,00000000
Outstanding shares 14437
NAV current 108,73765862
NAV current/share 0,00753187
SummaryThis is the third report for Discovery. Where we said in the last report that it had been an hectic time, the past two weeks were even worst.
After the BTCT.co announcement, Bitfunder announced October 8th that they would close down for USA investors as well. All non-verified users were not allowed to enter new positions and could only sell their holdings which most of them promptly did.
On average stocks dropped 51% on bitfunder (see full report for details).
Especially USA issuers have taken a big dive. Also some assets have been frozen in order to move to another exchange. Amongst these BTCInvest and LabRat.
The main goal for Discovery was to make profits out of daytrading and dividends. Whilst maintaining a respectable NAV.
Unlike the closure of btct.co, the announcement on Bitfunder caused NAV of the complete asset to drop. Mostly because of the tremendous volume drop it has been very hard to trade at all, let alone at a profit. We’ve seen a few small opportunities but nowhere near what we’ve seen earlier.
We have not been able to maintain the NAV of the asset the past two weeks. We’ve been forced to sell some positions at a loss (mainly positions for which we believe converting to direct shares will never offer any ROI anymore).
The added value started at -10.60% and ended at -31,11%. Daytrading ended up with a loss of -3,67% (which was 11,86% at the start of this period) due to selling positions at a loss. Dividends are doing quite well however, causing the total profits to be -0,23% (was 12,07%).
Current NAV of the asset is 108,73765862 BTC which translates to 0,00753187 per share.
We don’t expect this number to improve very soon. BTC securities need to stabilize first. Since some of the assets will not be publicly traded anymore but seem to have more value than the current liquidation we are reluctant to sell any more shares at this point.
The 8-week rolling average for div calculation remains 129.96401309 (Last reports NAV after divs and mngmt fee). There is no performance fee nor dividends this period.
Future of DiscoveryThe positions we currently have turned into long positions. This means we need to find new markets in order to start daytrading again. We considered closing down discovery completely but that would simply cost to much. We expect these shares to gain value in the long run again. We will try to find new opportunities of course to regain NAV as fast as possible.
We use our current cash position to put up a relatively large sell order at 95% of NAV (approx. 1200 shares). Due to the instability of the security market we will not issue any new shares for now. If you want to sell beyond our current cash position please let us know through PM or E-mail.
Direct SharesWe’ve been asked by a number of people if we are going to offer direct shares. We will offer those on the following terms. To receive your shares as direct shares follow these steps. A list of private shareholders will be included in the bi-weekly report from now on.
1. Transfer your shares to the DISCOVERY account on Bitfunder (account name is DISCOVERY)
2. Send an email to
discoverybtc@gmail.com containing your:
a. Bitfunder username
b. Number of shares transferred
c. BTC address to be used for dividend payment and private share administration
Important! Only use a BTC address with which u can sign. This is needed in order to sell or transfer your shares later.
Issuing new sharesNo new shares will be issued.