sometimes i think you bitcoin guys want to be ripped off!
a long time ago me and another guy were planning a scam.(I changed my ways!
)i will call it the lottery scam. i jst had to tell you peeps about it because 1 site here reminded me of it because its almost identical lol.
first develop a username and be super nice and helpful get trust
then build website
the way the lottery works is you only cheat on part of it have the people win about half the time this will help them think that the lottery is all good and on the down low
the cool shit is that you slowly build up lottery jackpot that is hard to win and itz the only 1 part you have to cheat
you also make the website so only you chose who wins the jackpot
u hav to make it so others win too or the get suspicious
when you win no one can tell because it dos not happen much
just make sure you empty jackpot so it looks random
i just had to say its funny how someone could be doing it and no one has even noticed or care?
its like no one gets how being anonymous it is way easier to cheat on some of the stuff
hmmm ill use real example (sure could be real but ill explain)
has 1-499 range for normal wins and losers half win half lose
make it so those are random
people see it working
500 can only be done when you want - pick a bitcoin address or username that has 1/20 oddz or something
let others win sometimes
You can now take hundreds of $US at a time and no one will even question you or suspect anything. lol. and no one cares. it can be done for a very long time! and if people ? u just say oh trust me.
I even lol'd when people suggest way of changing it so they can't cheat and the lottery guy quotes some miner saying oh trust me bitcoin is anonymous nothing i can do. lol. Mining at least you can calc how much you should get over time. Good luck spending enough if you should have won the 1/500 bling!
God, i think people don't realize how u have to look at things diff when you can be more anonymous.
If is honest good for him!!!!!! I do not know how many people could resist taking from a system set up so they could take anyone time and no one will even batt an eye. lol. Take and take. Good way to get rich quick u just need people who trust some stranger with lots of cash that gives it out to unknown people with no checks. lol. gambling is fun but some stuff here has some pretty big flaws!!!! depressing seeing how people can't see how easy some of the stuff could be scammed!