I wanna share a funny fact about Bitcoin with you that the first transaction involving Bitcoin took place on May 22, 2010, when a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz reported that he had successfully traded 10,000 Bitcoins to buy a pizza.
you've got a couple of things a little bit wrong here
* the first bitcoin transaction was not this one. instead it was when Satoshi paid 10 bitcoin to Hall Finney
* this one was the first time bitcoin was used as a currency to purchase something.
* it was 2 pizza not 1

* he did not buy an expensive pizza. he paid $41. saying it was the most expensive is like saying i am paying $1 million dollar for transaction fees because i believe price is going to $1000 million dollar! it is the current price and the fact that it was used as a currency which are important IMO.