I have £16k sitting in my Crypto Capital account (cryptocapital.co)
(Sold a couple of BTC on CEX.IO). That's pretty much all my BTC so I really don't want to lose this money!

On the 18th Jan I initiated a transfer of funds out to my bank account and it has been sitting in the 'sent for authorization' queue.
This extended period has made me lose confidence in their ability to get things done in a reasonable period of time so I have send them this email.
Hi there,
Please can you cancel my pending transfer from my account. I have a request for £15985 transfer OUT pending and I would like to CANCEL IT IMMEDIATELY.
I will initiate another transfer for the funds to be returned to my CEX.IO account instead.
Please can somebody get back to me ASAP.
I am going to be posting my emails on bitcointalk.org so that everybody can see how this matter is settled and how quickly it takes for a resolution. I am reading very negative reviews for your services and how slowly everything happens. I am trying to prevent the same thing happening with my case.
I am going to post every email that I receive back from them in a timely manner so that I can give everyone here an idea of how CryptoCapital deals with this issue.
I am also copying my emails to their
support@cryptocapital.co address so that both are duplicated.
Even if this goes all sour, I am happy to help prevent other people getting stuck.
Wish me luck everybody!