First, I already discussed it"I sell my account to another people and he invest and withdraw it and he said its work"
Second, @DarkStar how I can scam someone if I give all information public?
- CryptoMiningFarm
- Free 15GHS since march 2016
- Current Balance 0.0077
BTC- Screenshot if you do not want to buy it do not talk like I'm a cheater!
@Roboabhishek and for you it is the same!
This is a offer not discussion!
Mate i know i sell it before but its already more than 3 month since i sell it and maybe its already turn become scam, idk why you offering on this forum because nobody wont interesting with that. I sell it because that people asking "WTB Cryptominingfarm account with
BTC0.005" on my facebook group. And since i have one before and dont know what i want to do so i sell to him.
If you still sell it, maybe i can contact him and ask if he still want to buy cryptominingfarm account. He's not bitcointalk member so if you have facebook, i can give you his contact.