January 17, 2011, 03:11:33 AM |
Well, considering the latest video, Living Free in an Unfree World: Stefan Molyneux at Libertopia 2010, it appears more clearly recognizable and understood that our society as it is now is achieved through a kind of exploitation in which a few individuals have learned or discovered away to dominate and control the masses. Considering the concept of software exploits and the existence of very talented hardware and software hackers both of all types (black hat, gray/grey hat, white hat, etc) which are diversified in many different areas not necessarily limited to technology, it appears fairly reasonable to consider that similar efforts or talents of "hacking" can be pursued or established to help correct or resolve our flaw or bug in which majority of humanity are enslaved to minority or whatever else the bug or flaw is or if there are multiple bugs or flaws. I imagine that in consideration of comparing our exploitation of society to exploitation of technology may help to establish similar methods of reason or logic regarding determining how individuals can help contribute towards fixing or patching the flaws, bugs, holes in which currently black hats continue to take advantage of the unpatched holes of society. Does this make sense?