there is this button on your keyboard called PrtSc which takes a screenshot of what you are seeing
anyways bitfinex is as it has always been, a small part of the bitcoin market currently with about 6% of the total volume. i seriously doubt (as i have always doubted this before) that they are using printed tether to buy bitcoin. a market that small can not change much.
besides seeing lots of buys happening at some price level doesn't necessarily mean some shenanigan is going on. it might as well be some FOMO buying of weak hands who bought bitcoin at $12k+ dumped at $9k in panic, FOMO bought back at $10200 and sold again at $9k+ level. there is no reason for these people's behavior to suddenly change just because price is now lower!
Technically speaking, it could even be the activity of bots, since I guess that big financial groups don't put employees to press buttons for days and days if they can put bots. Of course, one would expect that bots are better programmed though.