(not sure if someone posted this) - one of my favourite videos
Henery Markram
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS3wMC2BpxUalso by 2045 (assuming moore's law holds true) we will have enough computing power to simulate all the human minds on the planet..
of course moore's law probably won't hold true, but maybe quantum computers will still make this a possibility..
if you uploaded your mind into a computer, would you be a copy?
Maybe we are just simulated now :
Nick Bostrom, Simulation Argument --
http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.htmlstates either 1 of the following is true
1. Mankind Destroys itself before we create simulations of reality
2. Mankind won't create simulations of reality (i think we will, MMORPGs and the way computer gaming etc is advancing is all heading torwards realism/immersive-ness[how u spell?])
3. We are almost certainly in a simulation (1 in a billion that we are not)
Not only may we be in a simulation (Matrix?), we would probably be simulated ourselves..
Maybe we are in a block chain now
The bigbang was the Genesis Block...
Maybe our minds are like CPUs, processing the blocks by collapsing wave functions through observation
Huntercoin / Chronokings could be the birth of decentralized Blockchain universes
Also note, when the blockchain is forked (someone's comment) you will roll back to the correct chain and experience deja vu..