February 09, 2018, 09:20:18 PM |
Hello all,
I'm trying to wrap my head around whether or not hash rate gets 'shared' when using a pool. I'm hoping i'm over-thinking this and someone can shed some light with a clear answer.
I understand that to build a pool you run a full node like bitcoin core with some stratum server software program which allows the creation of workers that are then tied to individual mining nodes which makes it possible to track all of the nodes and their contributions to the pool.
This may be a stupid question, but what i'm not crystal clear on is the following...in a pool, let's say you build your own pool running a high end server running the bitcoin core software along with a high performing stratum software, and you connect say 100 AntMiner S9's to your newly built server. Does the bitcoin full node become some sort of "super mining node" whereby the 100 S9's combined hash rate becomes 1350Th/s? OR does it have the same effect as building 100 bitcoin full nodes, each with it's own miner behind it?
Based on this i'm trying to understand that if I wanted to use 100 S9's (don't get hung up on the number, it could be 1000 S9s) is there a difference between me running my own bitcoin node with a high performing stratum software library, VERSUS simply pointing all of my S9s to something like solo.ckpool.org, or viaBTC pool, or antpool in SOLO mode?
I'm aware there will be a ~1% fee or so in using solo ckpool, but what i'm focused on is the technical/performance difference. Is there any other difference other than the fee itself? Since I can't get a clear answer on whether or not hash rate gets 'shared' by a bitcoin full node I can't tell if there is any technical superiority difference in building your own private pool server on a tier1 fiber connection with bitcoin + stratum software and pointing all of your S9's at it privately on the local LAN, or just simply taking all S9s and pointing them at solo ck pool or viabtc, or antpool and setting up workers in their respective SOLO mode? Is there an advantage to building your own private pool because hash rate gets 'shared' or does the way a pool work is simply that there are many miners operating 'individually' and the pool simply acts to track which of the individual miners solved the block to organize payout and shares offering no actual 'hash rate performance' increase making the only difference the 1% fee in and of itself?
I hope my question is clear! Thanks in advance.