As for pictures - Marto74 will likely have the final devices within the next days to a week and we'll post some pictures of them as soon as they're ready.
In the mean time I've been experimenting with the engineering samples - I had one of them running with BitMinter for several days and one on Slush. At the moment using 54 bits produces a pretty stable 2.2-2.3GH output.
Some observations - at 54bits speed it is actually consuming a bit more than 2.5W - about 600-650mA which is roughly 3-3.2W and to my surprise all computers that I've tested so far let the device run (and it didn't trigger the over-current protection). So you might be able to actually "overclock" them by just setting a higher speed multiplier. You should keep in mind that the board will run quite hot - I've been checking with an infrared thermometer and the ones I've tested report 80-87C with just passive cooling (no fan).
You can also overclock them additionally by tweaking the voltage (e.g. doing the "pencil mod") and this will very likely yield 2.5-2.7GH easily. Boards will definitely be very hot though - you'll need to consider better cooling in that case.
Using 51 bits makes it consume just a tad over 500mA and that results in about 1.8-1.85 GH/s (in case you got a very restrictive USB2.0 board).
Below is the BitMinter data with the 54-bit speed I've been running over the last week or so (I used Excel and added the extra 2 columns at the end):
No. Completed Duration Total Ghps Difficulty Your score Total score Your work Total work My % work My GH/s
18532 10/10/2013 1:33 0h 57m 94,114.78 189,281,249 0.00000953 0.40055896 1,804 75,818,301 0.0000237937 2.239341
18531 10/10/2013 0:35 0h 56m 96,182.10 189,281,249 0.00000943 0.40237726 1,784 76,162,470 0.0000234236 2.252932
18530 10/9/2013 23:38 0h 56m 95,796.48 189,281,249 0.0000095 0.40076400 1,799 75,857,111 0.0000237156 2.271875
18529 10/9/2013 22:41 0h 57m 95,018.86 189,281,249 0.00000968 0.40125102 1,832 75,949,294 0.0000241214 2.291984
18528 10/9/2013 21:43 0h 57m 94,805.07 189,281,249 0.00000968 0.40338028 1,832 76,352,323 0.0000239940 2.274756
18527 10/9/2013 20:45 0h 57m 95,004.77 189,281,249 0.00000927 0.40084093 1,754 75,871,672 0.0000231180 2.196319
18526 10/9/2013 19:48 0h 57m 95,376.50 189,281,249 0.00000927 0.40170539 1,755 76,035,298 0.0000230814 2.201422
18525 10/9/2013 18:50 0h 57m 95,233.18 189,281,249 0.0000096 0.40145319 1,818 75,987,561 0.0000239250 2.278451
18524 10/9/2013 17:53 0h 57m 95,280.15 189,281,249 0.00000937 0.40141679 1,773 75,980,672 0.0000233349 2.223351
18523 10/9/2013 16:55 0h 57m 94,909.45 189,281,249 0.00000969 0.40324069 1,835 76,325,902 0.0000240416 2.281779
18522 10/9/2013 15:57 0h 58m 93,531.68 189,281,249 0.00000973 0.40152882 1,842 76,001,877 0.0000242362 2.266857
18521 10/9/2013 14:59 0h 57m 94,356.86 189,281,249 0.00000932 0.40100897 1,765 75,903,479 0.0000232532 2.194101
18520 10/9/2013 14:01 0h 58m 93,506.68 189,281,249 0.0000101 0.40038631 1,912 75,785,621 0.0000252291 2.359086
18519 10/9/2013 13:02 0h 59m 91,907.31 189,281,249 0.00000973 0.40099947 1,841 75,901,680 0.0000242551 2.229218
18518 10/9/2013 12:03 1h 00m 89,486.81 189,281,249 0.0000099 0.40045552 1,873 75,798,721 0.0000247102 2.211235
18517 10/9/2013 11:02 0h 59m 91,254.05 189,281,249 0.00000921 0.40129222 1,743 75,957,092 0.0000229472 2.094022
18516 10/9/2013 10:02 0h 59m 92,273.10 189,281,249 0.00000968 0.40236844 1,833 76,160,801 0.0000240675 2.220783
18515 10/9/2013 9:02 0h 58m 93,226.31 189,281,249 0.00001013 0.40297009 1,918 76,274,682 0.0000251460 2.344265
18514 10/9/2013 8:03 0h 58m 93,150.22 189,281,249 0.00000966 0.40287035 1,829 76,255,804 0.0000239851 2.234214
18513 10/9/2013 7:04 0h 58m 92,987.94 189,281,249 0.00000966 0.40216847 1,828 76,122,950 0.0000240138 2.232992
Avg: 2.244949
Here are some screenshots:
Above table from Bitminter:
and after running several days:
Running on Slush:
and then 40+ hours later: