Be aware for this scammer Sayed Raheem Classic scam. LTC or ETH for BTC and you have to send ETH or LTC upfront.
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 5:27 PM, Sayed Raheem <> wrote:
You spell at a third grade level, by the sounds of it your some disgusting foreign making under 5 dollars an hour if anything. I make over 15k a month, you can suck my dick you old middle aged poor man. Bye
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 8:26 AM, <> wrote:
There is no good deal at all. You are running the worst scamm ever. Money upfrot you may got some stupid people but soon you will be jobless.
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Sayed Raheem <> wrote:
For me it is too, no good deal for you today
On Monday, February 12, 2018, <> wrote:
For me is clear enough! For you, no free money today!
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 5:16 PM, Sayed Raheem <> wrote:
Again, accusing me of being a scammer is not doing you a favor as I already said I have buyers who are trusted buyers who keep coming back. You are more than welcome to talk to them, and ask to add them on facebook for what ever measures necessary as I always give my buyers a little bit extra for reference use like this in the future. I only sent my coins out first once and ended up being scammed for .5 BTC worth over 5000 USD, after that I started telling my customers, no payment must be made first before receival of coins I can also show you screenshots of the conversation of the scammer to show you I am not lying. I will show you I'm not a scammer, you can send 5000 worth of ETH and I will send the full amount of BTC after and wait for payment. If this doesn't interest you then I am fine as buyers will come back. Best of luck Henry!
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 8:07 AM, <> wrote:
I'm very sorry but because this is our first deal we will go only through the escrow and no other way. If you want you can send first the BTC and I will send the ETH after the first confirmation. I'm serious and I want to close the deal and I don't want your or I to be scammed. If you are really serious about this I'm very sure you won't send any btc upfront and I assure you I won't send any ETH upfront. Go with escrow for 0.5 or 1 btc for our first deal and we have a deal, otherwise I may start thinking you are just another scammer. You see, when someone is proposing you safe and secure deal if you are not a scammer then you usually close the deal.