you trying to get a loan without collateral.
LiquidGamerX points this out, and you call him a teenager with a pc?
Adults tend to be cautious, and children tend to lash out without rational thinking.
Resorting to attacking the person without answering in a professional matter is immature.
Its because the community became more aware of scammers, and are more cautious now. scammer thread.
You need to look through the eye of the lender, he Risks $$$ for the hopes of $$$ + interest.
Its like a gamble. Collateral guarantees safeness, and thus reduce the element of gambling on the basis
of trust.
Going by statics a person is better off taking the BTC and throwing it on satoshidice 79%, then doing the loan.
I have 77.9 Litecoins. However, I will need these in order to purchase an asic blade. The amount of bitcoins I will be able to mine should cover this loan within the first month. So there is no reason why I can't pay this loan back.
Maybe you could invest a small amount if you don't feel comfortable.
Any little bit helps. You will receive 10% interest when this loan is payed back. So the more you invest, the more btc you will make.
Don't entertain Monbux, he cant afford to loan anything. He just posts to get paid for his signature. He is just a teenager with a pc