I read a few posts and when people posts in a " 0.00005 " I have to close one eye to read the zeros especially when they do not put zeros after the "5" lol.
Would it be possible for forum goers to assume anything to the left of the decimal is a BTC and to the right is a satoshi ?
To save my winking at the screen We could have a format :-
1btc ,10btc, 100btc etc...
To This ------> 1satoshi ,10sat, , 100sat 1Ksat , 10ksat, 100ksat, 1milsat , 10milsat;
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
This ---------> .00000001 , .0000001 , .000001, .00001 .0001 .001 .01 .1
Just my humble suggestion after reading various threads.
What do you peeps think for my first post ?
I think it's an excellent first post. A satoshi is currently too small to be a useful unit. 10,000 satoshis are worth little more than a penny. Most people expect that the metric system will be used (i.e. 0.001 btc --> 1 mbtc, 0.000001 btc --> 1 ubtc, etc.). We'll see what actually happens eventually.